Yabba-Dabba Dinosaurs is an American animated television series and a spin-off of the original series, The Flintstones. It officially aired on October 2020 on Boomerang in the UK. The show is scheduled to be released on April 5, 2021 on the Boomeran
Like the previous and short-lived spin-off Cave Kids, the series focuses on the lives of best friends, Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm, who are joined by Dino for many endless crazy adventures in Bedrock and the Crags, helping new friends, fighting new enemies and learning about life
g channel and as part of the Boomerang IPTV subscription service
- This would be the first Flintstones series in 17 years since the short-lived series, The Rubbles and the first since the closure of the Hanna-Barbera studio and the deaths of both William Hanna and Joseph Barbera.