Who's Who in the Zoo is a 1942 Warner Bros. cartoon in the Looney Tunes series. It was directed by Norman McCabe, with story by Melvin Millar, and musical direction by Carl Stalling.
This is one of the cartoons that Warner would occasionally produce that featured few or none of its stable of characters, just a series of gags, usually based on outrageous stereotypes and plays on words, as a narrator (Robert C. Bruce) describes the action. This one is somewhat different in that Porky Pig (Mel Blanc) appears, as the zookeeper of the "Azusa Zoo". Some excerpts:
In a comic "triple", a timber wolf is shown, then a gray wolf, then a "Hollywood wolf" (a frequent reference in the 1940s WB cartoons).
Other creatures include a "missing lynx", a "tortoise and the hair", "March hares" who march to a drumbeat, a down-on-his-luck "bum steer", an Indian elephant playing an American Indian, and a bald eagle wearing a toupee.
There is also a running joke about a lion who is awaiting the arrival of the ice cream truck.