Waynehead is an American Saturday morning animated series created by actor/comedian Damon Wayans. It was produced by Warner Bros. Animation and the Canadian studio Nelvana, with overseas animation by TMS-Kyokuchi Corporation, Hanho Heung-Up Co., Ltd., and Philippine Animation Studio, Inc. Actors voice in the show included Gary Coleman, Orlando Brown and Marlon Wayans. Waynehead lasted for 13 episodes for one season; Warner Bros has explained the show wasn't black enough.
It is about a young boy named Damey Wayne from a poor background with a club foot and was based on Wayans' own childhood in the Chelsea neighborhood in the New York City borough of Manhattan.
Damey Wayne: He is the main protagonist of the series and the leader of the crew.
Mo' Money: Damey's best friend and the second in-command of the crew.(the character is named after the film which Wayans starred in).
Toof: Mo' Money's sidekick who loves candy. He has a hard time rapping as he never knows how to rhyme.
Roz: Damey's love interest, She is the third in-command and the only female of the crew.
Marvin: Damey's frenemy, though they are still closer as friends.
Blue: Marvin's older brother.
Aki: The nerdy kid and the sixth member of the crew.
Demon of the Dozens • No Mo' Money • Brothers and Bros.Botswana Aki And The Hydrant of Doom • Three Hats and You're Out • Dad's A Spaz • Be Mine...Or Else • To Be Cool Or Not To Be • Special Delivery • Quest For Fireworks • A Friend in Greed • Bummed Out • Rebel Without A Paw