A bulldog named Spike and his admirer, a tinier dog named Chester, set their eyes on roughing up a cat. They find Sylvester and chase him all the way to the junkyard. A black panther that escaped from the zoo also happens to be hiding there. Every time that Spike attempts to go into the junkyard the panther attacks him, which he mistakenly thinks is Sylvester. Chester doesn't seem to have a problem destroying Sylvester, which makes Spike think that Chester is tougher than he is, despite the size difference.
Spike and Chester would make one more appearance in the 1954 cartoon, "Dr. Jerkyl's Hide".
On ABC airings of this cartoon in 1994, the cartoon underwent some excisions, in particular to the scene near the cartoon's end wherein Chester pounds Sylvester on the ground. There was a false cut-away to Spike hiding behind the "Loans" building, and Chester is only heard doing the violent deed. Another quick cut: Spike kicking the semi-conscious Sylvester (who had been thrashed by Chester) to his feet.