Treasure Island is a 1973 animated feature film produced by Filmation and released by Warner Bros. In this adaptation, Jim Hawkins (Davy Jones) travels with sidekick Hiccup the Mouse.
Enchanted by the idea of locating treasure buried by Captain Flint, Squire Trelawney, Dr. Livesey and Jim Hawkins charter a sailing voyage to a Caribbean island. Unfortunately, a large number of Flint's old pirate crew are aboard the ship, including Long John Silver.
Warner Bros. - A Warner Communications Company Presents
Sequence Directors: Don Towsley, Rudy Larriva, Bill Reed, Lou Zukor, Ed Solomon
Production Manager: Rock Benedetto
Animators: Roman Arambula, Robert Bentley, Jim Brummett, Bob Carlson, Rudy Cataldi, Zion Davush, Lillian Evans, Otto Feuer, Ed Friedman, Fred Grable, Dick Hall, Lee Halpern, LaVerne Harding, Lou Kachivas, Marshall Lamore, Casey Onaitis, Jack Ozark, Ambrozi Paliwoda, William Pratt, Ed Rehberg, Len Rogers, Virgil Ross, Sonja Ruta, Louise Sandoval, Don Schloat, Larry Silverman, Brad Smith, Hank Smith, Ken Southworth, Reuben Timmins, Bob Trochim, Russ Von Neida, Kaem Wong
Music and Songs by: George Blais, Jeff Michael
Art Director: Don Christensen
Key Assistants: Mike Hazy, Bill House
Key Layout: Alberto de Mello, Kay Wright, Herb Hazelton
Layout: Wes Herschensohn, Jim Willoughby, Lorna Smith, George Wheeler, Cliff Voorhees, Ray Jacobs, Hack Ficq, Z.T. Jablecki, Virgil Raddatz, Dan Noonan, Warren Marshall, Les Kaluza
Storyboard: Sherman Labby, Dan Noonan, Mike O'Connor
Director of Color: Ervin L. Kaplan
Background Artists: Paul Xander, Maurice Harvey, Donald Peters, Bill Loudenslager, Tom O'Loughlin, Curt Perkins, Pat Keppler
Xerography and Paint Supervision: John Remmel, Betty Brooks
Camera Supervision: R.W. Pope
Camera: Thane Berti, Joseph Ponticelle, Fredrick T. Ziegler, John Aardal, Bill Kotler