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Top Cat: The Movie (also known in Spanish as Don Gato y su Pandilla, literally "Top Cat and His Gang") is a 2011 3D Mexican-Argentine flash animated family action comedy film based on the Hanna-Barbera cartoon series, Top Cat, which ran from 1961 to 1962 on ABC in the United States. The film was produced by Ánima Estudios and Illusion Studios and was distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures.[1] Top Cat: The Movie premiered in Mexico in 2D and 3D theaters on September 16, 2011. It was a huge commercial success, earning $43,536,074 pesos on its opening weekend at the domestic box office and became one of the biggest box-office openings in Mexican cinema history.[2]

The English version was released in the United Kingdom on June 1, 2012, distributed by Vertigo Films, in RealD 3D and 2D theaters.[3] It was largely panned from critics, but was a moderate box-office success, grossing £2,824,893, the highest amount for a Mexican production.[4][5] The film had a limited release in the United States on August 2, 2013, starring the voices of Rob Schneider and Danny Trejo.[6][7]

A computer-animated prequel to the film and the series, titled Top Cat Begins,[8] was released on October 30, 2015.[8][9]


During lunch with Benny, Top Cat spots a female cat walking by them. Excusing himself, Top Cat quickly runs after the female cat, interrupted by Griswald, but soon gets him out of the way and meets up with the female cat, who introduces herself as Trixie. While she finds him amusing, an alley cat isn't her type.

At the alley, Top Cat catches news of the Maharajah of Peekajoo, known for his generosity and his rubies are just what Top Cat needs to impress Trixie. Top Cat and his gang head to the Connity Hall to meet the Maharajah, running into an obnoxious man named Lou Strickland. The gang steal his tickets and get him sent away. While the gang distract Officer Dibble who is the Maharaja's escort, Top Cat makes a bet with the Maharaja and gets out of him a Maharaja Talk 5000 device with many functions, as the Maharaja hasn't any rubies.

The next morning, Officer Dibble is summoned to the police station to work for the Chief's son-in-law Strickland, who is taking over for the retired Chief. Strickland has replaced the staff with robots which he believes are more competent. Top Cat thwarts Strickland's attempt to evict him, preventing Strickland from getting the Mayor's funding for a robot police army. Strickland uses Trixie to keep Top Cat away from the alley while he carries his out his plan. Top Cat returns to the alley getting shunned by his gang, arrested by police and after an unfair trial, convicted to the Dog Jail on charge of stealing money from an orphanage.

With the arrest of Top Cat, Strickland is granted the Mayor's funding and establishes a robot police army and a major scale surveillance camera system which restricts privacy for the city. Meanwhile, Top Cat tries to keep a low profile in dog jail but later becomes popular having turned the jail into a paradise for the convicts. As for Top Cat's gang they are struggling and begin to express their disbelief in him, which Top Cat notices from the one of the security cameras.

Strickland abuses his authority and starts coming up with ridiculous laws to take absurd amounts of money off people for every thing they do, intending to spend it on making himself even more 'handsome'. Tired of Strickland's tyranny, Trixie quits her job, Strickland fires her and turns to Officer Dibble and shows him evidence that a robot Top Cat sent by Strickland robbed the orphanage proving Top Cat's innocence. However, Strickland arrives and reveals his true intentions to Dibble, and that he's not the old chief's son-in-law. Dibble escapes to pass this to Top Cat's gang, but Trixie is captured by the police robots.

After Dibble tells the gang what really happened, they all head for Big Gus to help them break Top Cat out of prison, as he owes Top Cat. Big Gus leads them through an underground passage to the dog jail and leaves. The gang apologises for their doubts about Top Cat. With their cover blown by the dogs knowing they've got cats with them, the gang and Dibble escape through a sewer hole arriving at Strickland's HQ.

The gang infiltrate the building in robot guises finding Strickland has imprisoned everyone in the city and stolen the city's cash. While Dibble distracts Strickland, the gang under the guise of robots make their way to Strickland's control centre, but Top Cat's gang are locked in Strickland's vault having tripped a silent alarm, Top Cat remaining outside. When Strickland arrives, he orders Top Cat to be annihilated by the robots. As a single robot enters, Top Cat realises the whole security system was manufactured by the Maharajah of Pookajee. Top Cat takes out the Maharajah Talk 5000 which presumably controls all robots to get Strickland. In panic, Strickland self-destructs the robot army except the single one, revealed to be Fancy-Fancy still in his robot guise. Everyone imprisoned and Top Cat's gang is released in the self-destruction process. Strickland is rendered helpless and Dibble arrests him and (on Top Cat's suggestion) sentences him to the Dog Jail.

Top Cat and Trixie renew their relationship, Officer Dibble is promoted as the new Chief of Police, the gang enjoy themselves, and finally Griswald asks for a place in Top Cat's gang, which Top Cat accepts.


English Name Spanish Name Spanish Voice Actors English Voice Actors
Top Cat Don Gato Raúl Anaya Jason Harris Katz
Benny the Ball Benito B. Bodoque Jorge Arvizu
Choo Choo Cucho Jorge Arvizu
Fancy-Fancy Panza Eduardo Garza
Spook Espanto Luis Fernando Orozco
Brain Demóstenes Jesús Guzmán
Officer Dibble Oficial Carlitos Matute Sebastian Llapúr
Lou Strickland Lucas Buenrostro Mario Castañeda
Griswald Rugelio Ricardo Tejedo
Trixie Trixie Rosalba Sotelo
Judge Juez Rolando de Castro
Police Chief Jefe de Policia Israel Magaña
Mayor Alcalde Francisco Colmenero TBA



On Feb­ru­ary 26, 2011, Warner Bros. Pic­tures Mex­ico, Ánima Es­tu­dios, Il­lu­sion Stu­dios an­nounced that the film would be in pro­duc­tion to cel­e­brate the show's 50th anniversary, which took a total of 34 months to develop.


While the pro­duc­tion of the film mainly took place in Mex­ico, Warner Bros. sug­gested that the film was writ­ten by Amer­i­cans, when Tim­o­thy McK­eon and Kevin Sec­cia wanted to write a fa­mil­iar story to match the spirit of the orig­i­nal TV se­ries. Be­fore writ­ing the screen­play, they re­viewed the show's set of the 1960s and wrote sev­eral ver­sions of the script until fin­ishing the final draft which took them six months to write. Jesús Guzmán, a Mex­i­can co­me­dian and actor who pro­vides the Span­ish voice of Demostenes (Brain), adapted and trans­lated the script in Spanish.


It was orig­i­nally ru­mored to be a live-ac­tion/CGI hy­brid, but it was later con­firmed to be a 2D/CG an­i­mated feature. An­i­mated in Adobe Flash with com­puter an­i­mated back­grounds, the an­i­ma­tion was done by Ánima Es­tu­dios in Mex­ico, while post-pro­duc­tion (in­clud­ing the CGI back­grounds) and stereo­scopic 3D ser­vices were done at Il­lu­sion Stu­dios in Ar­gentina.

Background development and setting[]

Al­berto Mar, the film's di­rec­tor, did a scout­ing in New York City in 2011 and took pic­tures of the city's build­ings, al­leys, and drains. He also used lo­ca­tions that were not fea­tured in the TV se­ries, such as Times Square.

Character development[]

Dur­ing char­ac­ter de­vel­op­ment, all of the film's char­ac­ters had to be ap­proved by Warner Bros. An­i­ma­tion. The goal was for the char­ac­ters to look like they were drawn in style of other Hanna-Bar­bera works. Ánima Es­tu­dios cre­ated new char­ac­ters that were not fea­tured in the se­ries, such as Trixie, Lucas Buen­rostro (Lou Strick­land), the army of ro­bots, and over 100 in­ci­den­tal characters.


This film was re­leased the­atri­cally in Mex­ico and parts of South Amer­ica on Sep­tem­ber 16, 2011 in Dig­i­tal 3D and reg­u­lar 2D for­mat. The film's teaser pre­miered on April 15, 2011 and was shown dur­ing the Mex­i­can screen­ings of Hop. On Jan­u­ary 23, 2012, Ver­tigo Films an­nounced that the film would be re­leased in the United King­dom on June 1, 2012 (for­merly Au­gust 20, 2012) in 2D, Dig­i­tal 3D, and RealD 3D the­aters. A UK teaser trailer was re­leased on April 5, 2012. The film was re­leased in se­lect the­aters and VOD in the United States from Viva Pic­tures on Au­gust 2, 2013. The U.S. trailer was re­leased on May 7, 2013. The MPAA gave this film a PG rat­ing for "some mild rude content".


Though the orig­i­nal Span­ish ver­sion of the film was re­ceived fa­vor­ably in Mex­ico and Latin Amer­ica, the Eng­lish dub of the film was uni­ver­sally panned in both the UK and the US.

Peter Brad­shaw of The Guardian gave the Eng­lish film 1 out of 5 stars, say­ing "It's the bot­tom of the heap, and it frankly looks cheap, the dis­as­ter of the year is – Top Cat". Derek Adams of Time Out Lon­don also gave the Eng­lish film 1 out of five stars, writ­ing, "a pity, then, that the key el­e­ments – sto­ry­line, di­a­logue, com­edy value – are so woe­fully in­ef­fec­tual. An air of bore­dom per­me­ated the screen­ing I at­tended and laughs were uni­ver­sally non-ex­is­tent." Colin Kennedy of Metro crit­i­cized the Eng­lish film, call­ing it "a dog's din­ner of a film which will bore new view­ers and dis­ap­point old ones" and "post-Pixar kids will be bored rigid." Michelle Moore of Close-Up Film gave the Eng­lish film a neg­a­tive re­view for its an­i­ma­tion, say­ing "When it comes to com­bin­ing the two, scenes and char­ac­ters, things at times get very dis­or­dered and ap­pear out of place." Rob of The Shiznit gave this 1 out of 5 stars and wrote, "It looks like Top Cat, sounds like Top Cat, but it doesn’t feel like Top Cat. It's as if a Mex­i­can film com­pany (Ánima Es­tu­dios) has taken an iconic Amer­i­can car­toon and slapped to­gether a bud­get ver­sion... oh, wait, that's ex­actly what's hap­pened."

Bethany Rut­ter of Lit­tle White Lies crit­i­cized the Eng­lish film say­ing that "it's hero­ically un­funny, the lame script is one of many stick­ing points. Awk­ward, clunky and pre­dictable, it pro­pels the film for­ward at a pace that man­ages to be both deathly slow and an­noy­ingly jumpy." Mike Sheri­dan of Entertainment.​ie crit­i­cized the Eng­lish film and wrote, "In a world where stu­dios are putting so much care into the de­vel­op­ment of char­ac­ters in fam­ily aimed flicks, Top Cat just doesn’t cut it." Ge­of­frey Mac­nab of The In­de­pen­dent gave the Eng­lish film 2 out of 5 stars and said that "nei­ther the voice work (much of it done by Jason Har­ris) nor the an­i­ma­tion is dis­tinc­tive. Of­fi­cer Dib­ble has only a mar­ginal role. The use of 3D seems en­tirely to­kenis­tic (an ex­cuse to hike up ticket prices rather than an artis­tic de­ci­sion.)" On the pos­i­tive side, Matthew Turner of ViewLon­don en­joyed the Eng­lish film, say­ing that " This movie pro­vides a hand­ful of de­cent laughs, though some of the jokes are a bit dodgy, the 3D ef­fects are en­tirely su­per­flu­ous and younger chil­dren might be a lit­tle bored." Eddie Har­ri­son of The List also gave the Eng­lish film a pos­i­tive re­ac­tion, say­ing that "adults look­ing for un­de­mand­ing fare for their kids may find Top Cat's brand of sass, ir­rev­er­ence and cheeky charm offer a per­sua­sive al­ter­na­tive to today's crasser chil­dren's entertainments."


Main article: Top Cat Begins

A computer animated prequel to both the film and the original series was released on 30 October 2015 in Mexico, with Ánima Estudios once again producing.



  • Hoagy's Alley is spelled "Hoagie's."
  • During their meeting, Choo-Choo is watching the King for a Day program on his phone.
  • Benny rings a bell to call the horse from "The $1,000,000 Derby".
  • In the US dub of the movie, all of Strickland's lines were redubbed by Rob Schneider. Only one line was left untouched ("I like technology better than this mole I have on my butt that's shaped like a cow.")
  • In chronological order of the films and the story, this movie marks the end of the series.


  1. Calderón, Lucero (September 14, 2011). "Don Gato y su pandilla, más historia para México". Excélsior. Retrieved January 10, 2014.Page Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css has no content.
  2. Hecht, John (September 20, 2011). "Mexican Animated Film 'Top Cat' Breaks Record at Box Office". Retrieved on February 26, 2015.
  3. "Top Cat: The Movie to hit UK cinemas in 3D, Vertigo films confirms | Metro News". Metro. January 24, 2012. Retrieved December 2, 2013.Page Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css has no content.
  4. James Young (December 1, 2012). "Mexican animator adds English". Retrieved on February 26, 2015.
  5. Eddie Mair. Top Cat the Movie – "there must be something to recommend this film?". Archived from the original on July 6, 2012.
  6. "Rob Schneider and Danny Trejo lending their voices for TOP CAT: THE MOVIE | Alien Bee Entertainment News". Alienbee.net (July 14, 2013). Retrieved on February 26, 2015.
  7. Lesnick, Silas (May 7, 2013). "Check out a Trailer and Clip from the Animated Top Cat Feature Film". ComingSoon.net. Retrieved on February 26, 2015.
  8. 8.0 8.1 de la Fuente, Anna Marie (September 17, 2014). "Anima Brings 'Top Cat Begins' to the Bigscreen". Variety. Retrieved September 18, 2014.Page Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css has no content.
  9. ""Don Gato 2" se estrenará el 7 de agosto del 2015. Con René Franco". Radioformula.com.mx. Retrieved on February 26, 2015.

External links[]

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia page Top Cat: The Movie. The revision history lists the authors. The text on Warner Bros. Entertainment Wiki and Wikipedia is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (CC BY-SA).
v - e - d
Films and TV shows: TV SeriesTop Cat and the Beverly Hills CatsHanna-Barbera's 50th: A Yabba Dabba Doo CelebrationWake, Rattle, and RollThe MovieTop Cat Begins
Video games:
Main characters: Top CatBenny the BallChoo-ChooBrainFancy-FancySpookOfficer Charlie Dibble
Minor characters: GriswaldLazlo-LazloThe MaharajahPolice Chief Eugene ProwlerMrs. BallA.T. Jazz
Beverly Hills Cats characters: Kitty GlitterAmy VandergeltSnerdlyRasputin
Movie characters: TrixieLou StricklandBig GusDog Gang
Begins characters: Mr. BigGranny DibbleBenny's MomBad DogPanteraRataFurletta Duchat
Hoagy's AlleyThe Police StationDibble's ApartmentThe Sherry Plaza HotelCarnergie HallPool HallCatwallader's MansionNew York HospitalAmerican Museum of Natural HistoryCentral Park ZooCape CanaveralMindy's Department StoreThe Metropolitan Museum of Art
Top Cat
See also

v - e - d
Hanna Barbera logo
Television series

The Ruff and Reddy Show | The Huckleberry Hound Show (Yogi Bear / Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks / Hokey Wolf) | The Quick Draw McGraw Show (Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy / Snooper and Blabber)
The Flintstones | The Yogi Bear Show (Snagglepuss / Yakky Doodle) | Top Cat | The Hanna-Barbera New Cartoon Series (Wally Gator / Touché Turtle and Dum Dum / Lippy the Lion & Hardy Har Har) | The Jetsons | The Magilla Gorilla Show (Punkin' Puss & Mushmouse / Ricochet Rabbit & Droop-a-Long) | Jonny Quest | The Peter Potamus Show (Breezly and Sneezly / Yippee, Yappee and Yahooey) | The Atom Ant Show (Precious Pupp / The Hillbilly Bears / Secret Squirrel / Squiddly Diddly / Winsome Witch) | Sinbad Jr. and his Magic Belt | Laurel and Hardy | Frankenstein, Jr. and The Impossibles | Space Ghost and Dino Boy (Space Ghost (TV series) / Dino Boy in the Lost Valley) | The Space Kidettes | The Abbott and Costello Cartoon Show | Birdman and the Galaxy Trio | The Herculoids | Shazzan | Fantastic Four | Moby Dick and Mighty Mightor | Samson & Goliath | The Banana Splits Adventure Hour (The Banana Splits / Arabian Knights / The Three Musketeers / Micro Ventures / Danger Island) | The Adventures of Gulliver | The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn | Wacky Races | The Perils of Penelope Pitstop | Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines | Cattanooga Cats | Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!
Harlem Globetrotters | Josie and the Pussycats | Where's Huddles? | The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show | Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch! | The Funky Phantom | The Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan | Wait Till Your Father Gets Home | The Flintstone Comedy Hour | The Roman Holidays | Sealab 2020 | The New Scooby-Doo Movies | Josie and the Pussycats in Outer Space | Speed Buggy | Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kids | Yogi's Gang | Super Friends | Goober and the Ghost Chasers | Inch High, Private Eye | Jeannie | The Addams Family (1973) | Hong Kong Phooey | Devlin | Partridge Family 2200 A.D. | These Are the Days | Valley of the Dinosaurs | Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch | Korg: 70,000 B.C. | The New Tom & Jerry/Grape Ape/Mumbly Show (The Tom and Jerry Show (1975) / The Great Grape Ape Show / The Mumbly Cartoon Show) | The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour (The Scooby-Doo Show / Dynomutt, Dog Wonder) | Clue Club | Jabberjaw | Fred Flintstone and Friends (The Flintstone Comedy Hour / Goober and the Ghost Chasers / Jeannie / Partridge Family 2200 A.D. / The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show / Yogi's Gang) | Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics (The Scooby-Doo Show / Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! / Laff-A-Lympics / Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels / The Blue Falcon & Dynomutt) | CB Bears (Posse Impossible / Blast-Off Buzzard / Undercover Elephant / Shake, Rattle, and Roll / Heyy, It's the King!) | The Skatebirds (Clue Club / The Robonic Stooges / Wonder Wheels / Mystery Island) | The All-New Super Friends Hour (The Wonder Twins) | The Hanna-Barbera Happy Hour | The All New Popeye Hour (Dinky Dog) | Yogi's Space Race (Galaxy Goof-Ups) | Buford and the Galloping Ghost (The Buford Files / The Galloping Ghost) | Challenge of the Super Friends | Godzilla (Jana of the Jungle) | Fred and Barney Meet The Thing and the Shmoo (The New Fred and Barney Show / The Thing / The New Shmoo) | Casper and the Angels | The Super Globetrotters | Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo | The World's Greatest Super Friends | Amigo and Friends
The B.B. Beegle Show | Super Friends | Drak Pack | The Flintstone Comedy Show | The Fonz and the Happy Days Gang | The Richie Rich/Scooby-Doo Show (Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo / Richie Rich) | Laverne & Shirley in the Army | Space Stars (Teen Force / Astro and the Space Mutts / Space Ghost / The Herculoids) | The Kwicky Koala Show (The Bungle Brothers / Crazy Claws / Dirty Dawg) | Trollkins | The Smurfs (Johan and Peewit) | The Flintstone Funnies (The Flintstone Family Adventures / Bedrock Cops / Pebbles, Dino and Bamm-Bamm / Captain Caveman / Dino and Cavemouse / The Frankenstones) | The Pac-Man/Little Rascals/Richie Rich Show (The Little Rascals / Richie Rich / Pac-Man) | Mork & Mindy/Laverne & Shirley/Fonz Hour | The Scooby & Scrappy-Doo/Puppy Hour (Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo / Scrappy and Yabba-Doo / The Puppy's Further Adventures) | Jokebook | Shirt Tales | The Gary Coleman Show | The Dukes | The Monchhichis/Little Rascals/Richie Rich Show (Monchhichis / The Little Rascals / Richie Rich) | The Pac-Man/Rubik, the Amazing Cube Hour (Rubik, the Amazing Cube / Pac-Man) | The New Scooby and Scrappy-Doo Show (The New Scooby-Doo Mysteries) | The Biskitts | Lucky Luke | Benji, Zax & the Alien Prince | Going Bananas | Snorks | Challenge of the GoBots | Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show | Paw Paws | Yogi's Treasure Hunt | Galtar and the Golden Lance | The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians | The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo | The New Adventures of Jonny Quest | Pound Puppies | The Flintstone Kids (Captain Caveman and Son) | Foofur | Wildfire | Sky Commanders | Popeye and Son | A Pup Named Scooby-Doo | The Completely Mental Misadventures of Ed Grimley | The New Yogi Bear Show | Fantastic Max | The Further Adventures of SuperTed | Paddington Bear
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures | The Adventures of Don Coyote and Sancho Panda | Tom & Jerry Kids (Droopy and Dripple / Spike and Tyke) | Wake, Rattle, and Roll | Gravedale High | Midnight Patrol: Adventures in the Dream Zone | The Pirates of Dark Water | Yo Yogi! | Young Robin Hood | Fish Police | Capitol Critters | The Addams Family | Droopy, Master Detective | The New Adventures of Captain Planet | SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron | 2 Stupid Dogs (Super Secret Secret Squirrel | Space Ghost Coast to Coast | Dumb and Dumber | What a Cartoon! | Cave Kids | The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest | Dexter's Laboratory | Johnny Bravo | Cow and Chicken / I Am Weasel | The Powerpuff Girls
Warner Bros. Animation television series based on cartoons:
What's New, Scooby-Doo? | Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get a Clue! | Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated | Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! | Wacky Races | Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? | Jellystone! | Yabba-Dabba Dinosaurs! | Velma

Original independent pilots
Kenny and the Chimp | King Crab: Space Crustacean | The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy: Meet the Reaper | Whatever Happened to Robot Jones? | Foe Paws | Uncle Gus: For the Love of Monkeys | Thrillseeker
Movies, Shorts and Specials
The ABC Saturday Superstar Movie:
Yogi's Ark Lark | Oliver and the Artful Dodger | The Adventures of Robin Hoodnik | The Banana Splits in Hocus Pocus Park
ABC Afterschool Specials:
Last of the Curlews | The Runaways | Cyrano | Great Comedy Concert
The Flintstone Primetime Specials:
The Flintstones' New Neighbors | The Flintstones: Fred's Final Fling | The Flintstones: Wind-Up Wilma | The Flintstones: Jogging Fever
Hanna-Barbera Superstars 10:
Yogi's Great Escape | The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones | Scooby-Doo Meets the Boo Brothers | Yogi Bear and the Magical Flight of the Spruce Goose | Top Cat and the Beverly Hills Cats | Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School | Rockin' with Judy Jetson | The Good, the Bad, and Huckleberry Hound | Yogi and the Invasion of the Space Bears | Scooby-Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf
Other animated specials and telefilms:
Alice in Wonderland or What's a Nice Kid Like You Doing in a Place Like This? | The Thanksgiving That Almost Wasn't | A Christmas Story | The Count of Monte Cristo | 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea | The Last of the Mohicans | Davy Crockett on the Mississippi | Energy: A National Issue | Five Weeks in a Balloon | Yabba Dabba Doo! The Happy World of Hanna-Barbera | A Flintstone Christmas | Hanna-Barbera's All-Star Comedy Ice Revue | The Flintstones: Little Big League | Black Beauty | The Hanna-Barbera Hall of Fame: Yabba Dabba Doo II | Gulliver's Travels | Casper's Halloween Special | The Flintstones Meet Rockula and Frankenstone | Scooby Goes Hollywood | Casper's First Christmas | Yogi's First Christmas | The Harlem Globetrotters Meet Snow White | Here Comes The Smurfs | The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera Arena Show | The Smurfs' Springtime Special | The Smurfs' Christmas Special | Yogi Bear's All Star Comedy Christmas Caper | My Smurfy Valentine | The Secret World of Og | The Smurfs' Halloween | Smurfily Ever After | The Smurfic Games | Pound Puppies | Star Fairies | The Flintstones' 25th Anniversary Celebration | Smurfquest | Rock Odyssey | Ultraman: The Adventure Begins | Tis The Season to Be Smurfy | Flintstone Kids' "Just Say No" Special | Hanna-Barbera's 50th: A Yabba Dabba Doo Celebration | Hägar the Horrible: Hägar Knows Best | The Yum Yums: The Day Things Went Sour | The Flintstones: A Page Right Out of History | The Last Halloween | Monster in My Pocket: The Big Scream | I Yabba-Dabba Do! | Jonny's Golden Quest | The Halloween Tree | The Town Santa Forgot | Hollyrock-a-Bye Baby | A Flintstone Family Christmas | Yogi the Easter Bear | Scooby-Doo! in Arabian Nights | A Flintstones Christmas Carol | SWAT Kats: A Special Report | Daisy-Head Mayzie | Jonny Quest vs. The Cyber Insects | Dexter's Laboratory: Ego Trip | The Flintstones: On the Rocks
Live-action TV movies and specials:
Jack and the Beanstalk | Hardcase | Shootout in a One-Dog Town | The Gathering | The Beasts Are on the Streets | Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park | Legends of the Superheroes | Belle Starr | Deadline
The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible and Timeless Tales from Hallmark:
The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible (The Creation / Noah's Ark / Joseph and His Brothers / Moses / Joshua and the Battle of Jericho / Samson and Delilah / David and Goliath / Jonah / Daniel and the Lions' Den / Queen Esther / The Nativity / The Miracles of Jesus / The Easter Story) | Timeless Tales from Hallmark
Theatrical shorts series:
Loopy De Loop
Theatrical films based on cartoons:
Hey There, It's Yogi Bear! | The Man Called Flintstone | Jetsons: The Movie | Tom and Jerry: The Movie (former) | The Flintstones | The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas | Scooby-Doo | The Powerpuff Girls Movie | Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed | Yogi Bear | Top Cat: The Movie | Top Cat Begins | Scoob! | Tom and Jerry
Other theatrical films:
Heidi's Song
Direct-to-video films based on cartoons:
Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island | Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost | Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders | Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase | Scooby-Doo! and the Legend of the Vampire | Scooby-Doo! and the Monster of Mexico | Scooby-Doo! and the Loch Ness Monster | Aloha, Scooby-Doo! | Scooby-Doo! in Where's My Mummy? | Scooby-Doo! Pirates Ahoy! | Chill Out, Scooby-Doo! | Scooby-Doo! and the Goblin King | Scooby-Doo! and the Samurai Sword | Scooby-Doo! Abracadabra-Doo | Scooby-Doo! Camp Scare | Scooby-Doo! Legend of the Phantosaur | Scooby-Doo! Music of the Vampire | Big Top Scooby-Doo! | Scooby-Doo! Mask of the Blue Falcon | Scooby-Doo! Adventures: The Mystery Map | Scooby-Doo! Stage Fright | Scooby-Doo! WrestleMania Mystery | Scooby-Doo! Frankencreepy | Scooby-Doo! Moon Monster Madness | The Flintstones & WWE: Stone Age SmackDown! | Tom and Jerry: Spy Quest | Scooby-Doo! and Kiss: Rock and Roll Mystery | Lego Scooby-Doo! Haunted Hollywood | Scooby-Doo! and WWE: Curse of the Speed Demon | Scooby-Doo! Shaggy's Showdown | The Jetsons & WWE: Robo-WrestleMania! | Lego Scooby-Doo! Blowout Beach Bash | Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold | Daphne & Velma | Scooby-Doo! and the Gourmet Ghost | Scooby-Doo! and the Curse of the 13th Ghost
Theme Parks, Attractions and Rides
The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera | Hanna–Barbera Land | Hanna-Barbera's Marineland | Scooby's Ghoster Coaster | Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster | Scooby-Doo's Haunted Mansion
Ann-Margrock | Arnold | Association of World Super Men | Astro | Atom Ant | Augie Doggie | Baba Looey | Babu | Baby Puss | Barney Bear | Bamm-Bamm Rubble | Bandit | Barney Rubble | BEEBO | Beegle Beagle | Benny the Ball | Bernie Bernstein | Betty Rubble | Bing Bong the Gorilla | Bingo | Blabber Mouse | Black Knight | Black Vulcan | Blossom | Blue Falcon | Boo-Boo Bear | Brain | Brenda Chance | Broccoloids | Bubbles | Bud Smith | Bullet | Bunny | Butch Cat | Buttercup | Captain Caveman | Captain Righteous | Carl Chryniszzswics | Chicken | Chief of Staff | Choo-Choo | Cindy Bear | CM Punkrock | Cogswell | Cosmo Spacely | Conrad Hailstone | Courage the Cowardly Dog | Cow | Crazy Robot | Creepley | Crocodile | Daddy Morbucks | Daisy Mayhem | Daphne Blake | Dark Kat | Dastardly Dalton | Devil Dog | Dick Dastardly | Dee Dee | Dee Dee Skyes | Desert Flower | Dexter | Dick Hardly | Ding-a-Ling | Dinky Dalton | Dino | Dirty Dalton | Doggie Daddy | Donnie | Dr. Benton Quest | Dread Baron | Droop-A-Long Coyote | Drooper | Droopy | Dum-Dum | Dynamo | Dynomutt | Elmer Sglue | Elroy Jetson | Emile Mondavarious | Eye Monster | Fancy-Fancy | Femme Fatale | Fleegle | Fred Flintstone | Fred Jones | Fred the Monster | Frog-Mouthed Turtle | Fuzzy Lumpkins | Gangreen Gang | Gary Granite | Gatekeeper Conductor | George Jetson | George and Joan | George and Junior | George and Joan's Baby | Giant Ant | Giant Fishballoon | Giant Orange Monster | Gina Loadabricks | Grape Ape | 'Great Fondoo | 'Great Gazoo | Hadji | Harold Smith | Harry Pitt | Headsucker | Herschel Bernardi | HIM | Hokey Wolf |Hoppy | Huckleberry Hound | Jabberjaw | Jane Jetson | Jeff | Jerry's Mother | Jerry Mouse | Joe Rockhead | Joey | Johnny Bravo | Jonny K. and Al | Judy Jetson' | Julie Smith | Junior Creepley | Justice Friends | Keane | Kim | Lefty | Lenny Baxter | Lieutenant Felina Feral | Little Suzy | Loopy De Loop | Magic Rabbit | Magilla Gorilla | Major Glory | Major Man | Mama Bravo | Mammy Two Shoes | 'Mandark | Marble Henry | Marianne Smith | Mary | Mascumax | Mayor R. Brown | Mike Believe | Mike Brikowski | Ministry of Pain | Mitch Mitchelson | Mojo Jojo | Moko Jono | Mom (Dexter's Laboratory) | Monkey | Monobot | Morocco Mole | Nibbles Mouse | Orbitty | Pearl Slaghoople | Pebbles Flintstone | Quick Draw McGraw | Ricochet Rabbit | Rosie | Scooby-Doo | Shaggy Rogers | Screwy Squirrel | Secret Squirrel | Snagglepuss | Spike Bulldog | Slate | Super Snooper | Tim Cat | Tom Cat | Top Cat | Toodles Galore | Toots | Touché Turtle | Tyke Bulldog | Velma Dinkley | Wilma Flintstone | Yogi Bear
See also
Ruby-Spears | Warner Bros. Animation

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Warner Bros. Animation Logo (Template-only)
Looney Tunes/Spielberg universe
Animated series: The Bugs Bunny ShowTiny Toon AdventuresTaz-ManiaAnimaniacsThe Sylvester & Tweety MysteriesPinky and the BrainFreakazoid!Road RoversHisteria!Pinky, Elmyra and the BrainThe Cat&Birdy Warneroonie PinkyBrainy Big Cartoonie ShowBaby Looney TunesDuck DodgersLoonatics UnleashedThe Looney Tunes ShowNew Looney Tunes

Films: Bugs Bunny: SuperstarThe Bugs Bunny/Road Runner MovieThe Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny MovieBugs Bunny's 3rd Movie: 1001 Rabbit TalesDaffy Duck's Fantastic IslandDaffy Duck's QuackbustersSpace JamWakko's WishTweety's High-Flying AdventureLooney Tunes: Back in ActionBah, Humduck! A Looney Tunes ChristmasLooney Tunes: Rabbits Run

DC Comics
Animated series: Batman: The Animated SeriesSuperman: The Animated SeriesBatman BeyondStatic ShockThe Zeta ProjectJustice LeagueTeen TitansJustice League UnlimitedThe BatmanKrypto the SuperdogLegion of Super HeroesBatman: The Brave and the BoldYoung JusticeGreen Lantern: The Animated SeriesTeen Titans Go!Beware the BatmanDC Super Hero Girls

Animated films: Batman: Mask of the PhantasmBatman & Mr. Freeze: SubZeroThe Lego Batman MovieBatman: Return of the Caped CrusadersBatman vs. Two-Face

Animated series: What's New, Scooby-Doo?Tom and Jerry TalesShaggy & Scooby-Doo Get a Clue!Scooby-Doo! Mystery IncorporatedThe Tom and Jerry ShowBe Cool, Scooby-Doo!Yabba-Dabba Dinosaurs!

Direct-to-video film series: Scooby-Doo on Zombie IslandScooby-Doo! and the Witch's GhostTom and Jerry: The Magic RingTom and Jerry: Blast Off to MarsThe Flintstones & WWE: Stone Age SmackDown!The Jetsons & WWE: Robo-WrestleMania!

Other TV series
Detention¡Mucha Lucha!Xiaolin ShowdownCoconut Fred's Fruit Salad IslandBaby BluesRight Now KapowDorothy and the Wizard of OzBunniculaGreen Eggs and HamUnikitty!WayneheadOzzy & DrixMike Tyson Mysteries3 SouthMadJohnny TestFirehouse TalesThunderCatsThunderCats Roar
Other original films
Theatrical: Quest for CamelotThe Iron GiantOsmosis JonesThe Lego MovieStorksThe Lego Ninjago Movie

Direct-to-video: Kangaroo Jack: G'Day U.S.A.!¡Mucha Lucha!: The Return of El MaléficoHappiness Is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown

Films, distribution only
Gay Purr-eeThe Incredible Mr. LimpetTreasure IslandOliver TwistThe Nutcracker PrinceRover DangerfieldThumbelinaA Troll in Central ParkThe Pebble and the PenguinCats Don't DanceThe Fearless FourThe King and IThe Scarecrow

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Warner Bros. Pictures 2023 (Alt)
Films by decade: 1910s-1920s (List) • 1930s (List) • 1940s (List) • 1950s (List) • 1960s (List) • 1970s (List) • 1980s (List) • 1990s (List) • 2000s (List) • 2010s (List) • 2020s (List)
See also