Tiny Toon Adventures (also known as Tiny Toons) is an American animated comedy television series that was broadcast from September 14, 1990 through December 6, 1992 as the first collaborative effort of Warner Bros. Animation and Steven Spielberg's Amblin Entertainment after being conceived in the late 1980s by Tom Ruegger. The show follows the adventures of a group of young cartoon characters who attend Acme Looniversity to become the next generation of characters from the Looney Tunes series.
The pilot episode, "The Looney Beginning," aired as a prime-time special on CBS on September 14, 1990; while the series itself was featured in first-run syndication for the first two seasons. The final season was aired on Fox Kids. The series ended production in 1992 in favor of Animaniacs; however, two specials were produced in 1994.
In 1992, The Plucky Duck Show was produced as a spin-off for Fox Kids, based on the character Plucky Duck. Except for the premiere episode The Return of Batduck, the show was composed of recycled Plucky-centric episodes from the series.
In 1998, a spin-off entitled Pinky, Elmyra & the Brain debuted on Kids' WB. This series featured the Elmyra character as well as Pinky and the Brain, two characters who were originally on Animaniacs before receiving their own series, also entitled Pinky and the Brain. Pinky, Elmyra & the Brain picks up after Pinky leaves off where Pinky and the Brain become Elmyra's pets after Brain accidentally destroys their original home, ACME Labs, during an experiment. Pinky, Elmyra & the Brain lasted for thirteen episodes.
Tiny Toons Looniversity was announced in October 2020 as a reboot of Tiny Toon Adventures, featuring older versions of the characters. The new series is produced by Amblin Television and Warner Bros. Animation for Cartoon Network and HBO Max. Spielberg will return as executive producer alongside Sam Register, while the show will be run by Erin Gibson. The show was given a two-season order and will be released in 2022.
Buster Bunny, Plucky Duck, Sweetie Pie, Fifi La Fume, Marcia the Martian, Babs Bunny, Hamton J. Pig, Furrball, Fowlmouth, and Montana Max will be returning.
However, like the Animaniacs revival, some characters will not be returning, such as Elmyra Duff, which was confirmed by her voice actress Cree Summer. [1]