The Lego Ninjago Movie is a 3D computer-animated action-comedy martial arts film that is being directed by Charlie Bean, Paul Fisher and Bob Logan and written by Dan and Kevin Hageman, Hilary Winston, Bob Logan and Paul Fisher. Based on the Lego Ninjago toy line, it is the first film to be based on an original Lego property, and is the second spin-off installment from the 2014 film The Lego Movie, following the release of The Lego Batman Movie in early 2017. The film will star the voices of Dave Franco, Justin Theroux, Michael Peña, Kumail Nanjiani, Abbi Jacobson, Zach Woods, Fred Armisen, Olivia Munn and Jackie Chan. It is Warner Animation Group's fourth feature film.
The film was released in the United States on September 22, 2017, in 3D, 2D, and IMAX 3D by Warner Bros. Pictures.
Six teenagers are "hired" by an old master and become ninja heroes at night, defeating monsters and riding vehicles and dragons to protect the far-away land of Ninjago and its capital city. Meanwhile, the warlord attempting to conquer Ninjago, Lord Garmadon, must cope with the fact that one of the ninjas is his son.
A young boy meets the mysterious owner of a relic shop, Mr. Liu, who tells him the story of Ninjago, a city within the LEGO universe. It is frequently terrorized by the evil warlord Garmadon, who is the father of teenager Lloyd Garmadon and estranged husband of Koko. Everybody in the city of Ninjago hates Lloyd for being Garmadon's son, which puts Lloyd under emotional stress. Unbeknownst to them, Lloyd is the Green Ninja and part of a Secret Ninja Force comprising Nya, Zane, Jay, Cole, Kai, and their master named Wu, who always stop Garmadon from taking over Ninjago City by fighting with mechs. When Garmadon is again unsuccessful at conquering Ninjago, his tech division shows him a giant new mech.
Lloyd and his friends see the return of Master Wu, who tells them that only their "unique element" will defeat Garmadon. Lloyd is frustrated to learn his element is green. Jay has lightning, Cole has earth, Zane has ice, Nya has water and Kai has fire. Wu also mentions an "Ultimate Weapon", giving Lloyd new hope of stopping Garmadon, despite Wu warning them that nobody can ever use the device. The next day, Garmadon attacks Ninjago City with his giant mech and this time defeats Lloyd. As Garmadon gloats, Lloyd returns with the Ultimate Weapon and fires it, only to reveal that it is really a laser pointer that attracts a live-action cat named Meowthra. Garmadon points the laser at the ninja's mechs, which the cat destroys, but Lloyd breaks the laser pointer. As Garmadon celebrates his victory, Lloyd unmasks himself and denounces his father, leaving Garmadon confused.
Lloyd meets up with his friends and Master Wu, who tells them they must use an "Ultimate, Ultimate Weapon" to stop Meowthra from destroying Ninjago City, which can be found on the other side of Ninjago Island. Garmadon overhears Wu talking about the weapon, follows close behind, intercepts Wu, and fights him only to end up in a cage defeated. However, Wu loses his balance and falls off a bridge into the river below. Before being swept away, he tells the ninja they must find "inner peace". The ninja continue on with Garmadon leading them, much to Lloyd's disappointment. Despite this, the two bond throughout their journey, while the ninjas learn not to rely solely on their mechs to fight. The group survives an encounter with Garmadon's fired generals, and Garmadon teaches Lloyd to throw.
They eventually crash down onto the Temple of Fragile Foundations, Garmadon's childhood home. He tells Lloyd that his mother is a ninja and that he wishes he had stayed with him and his mom after deciding to conquer Ninjago, but he couldn't change so they had to stay apart. The ninjas find the Ultimate, Ultimate Weapon, a chest consisting of a set of LEGO pieces that resemble their elemental powers, only to have it stolen by Garmadon, who remains resolute in taking over the city after Lloyd rejects his offer to replace a mutinous general. In a villainous turnaround, Garmadon locks all of them inside the temple as it begins to collapse. Lloyd realizes that "inner peace" means that they must unleash their elemental power, and they escape from the collapsing temple. As they fall off a cliff, Wu saves them with his flying ship, the "Destiny's Bounty", and they head back to Ninjago City.
Garmadon arrives and tries to defeat Meowthra with the Ultimate, Ultimate Weapon, but Meowthra eats him whole instead. Lloyd and the crew arrive and begin fighting Garmadon's army. As Lloyd approaches Meowthra, he reveals to everyone that he is the Green Ninja and realizes that green means life and that his element is what connects the ninjas and his family together. He comforts Meowthra and apologizes to Garmadon profusely, saying that he forgives him. Garmadon cries tears of fire, which causes Meowthra to vomit him out. After Lloyd and his father are reconciled, Meowthra becomes the mascot of Ninjago and Lloyd is hailed as a hero.
The movie finishes after Mr. Liu informs the boy that he will start training him as a ninja at dawn after the boy shows potential.
- Dave Franco as Lloyd Garmadon, the Green Ninja, Lord Garmadon and Misako's son, and Master Wu's nephew.
- Justin Theroux as Lord Garmadon, an evil warlord, the father of Lloyd, the husband of Misako and the brother of Master Wu.
- Michael Peña as Kai, the hotheaded, red Ninja of Fire and Nya's brother.
- Kumail Nanjiani as Jay, the quiet and cautious, blue Ninja of Lightning.
- Abbi Jacobson as Nya, the strong, gray Ninja of Water, Kai's sister, and Jay's crush.
- Zach Woods as Zane, the robotic, white Ninja of Ice.
- Fred Armisen as Cole, the laid-back, music-loving black Ninja of Earth.
- Jackie Chan as Master Wu, the wisecracking leader of the group, Lord Garmadon's brother and Lloyd's uncle.
- Olivia Munn as Misako, Lord Garmadon's ex-wife, Lloyd's mother, and the Lady Iron Dragon.
On September 17, 2013, Warner Bros. announced that it was developing an animated Ninjago film based on the Lego toy line Lego Ninjago. The Hageman brothers, who wrote Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu show and co-wrote the story of The Lego Movie, would write the adaptation. Charlie Bean was announced as director, and The Lego Movie team of Dan Lin, Roy Lee, and Phil Lord and Chris Miller as producers. On June 27, 2016, the film's voice cast was announced, including Dave Franco, Michael Peña, Kumail Nanjiani, Zach Woods, Fred Armisen, Jackie Chan, and Abbi Jacobson. Additional voice cast included Justin Theroux as Lord Garmadon and Olivia Munn as Misako.
- Main article: The Lego Ninjago Movie (soundtrack)
Mark Mothersbaugh, who composed the score for The Lego Movie, has been confirmed to score The Lego Ninjago Movie.
- This is the first film in the The Lego Movie series not to be released in February.
- The second Warner Animation Group film to be released in September, after Storks.
- The last Warner Animation Group film to have Warner Bros. Pictures logo with "A TimeWarner Company".
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