Porky Pig is on a radio quiz show called "Truth or AAAHHH!!", a parody of the popular quiz show Truth or Consequences hosted by Daffy Duck and sponsored by "Eagle Hand Laundry", in which the object is answer near-impossible questions (such as "Who, mind you WHO, was the referee for the New Zealand heavyweight title fight in 1726?" or "At what latitude and longitude did the wreck of the Hesperus occur?") or "pay the penalty". These penalties include Porky being crushed by the Rock of Gibraltar, rained upon by Niagara Falls, tied up and blown up with dynamite, severe pounding with a mallet, thrashing by a gorilla, threatened by a buzz saw, crushing by safes, and other forms of abuse. In the end, however, Porky wins $26 million and three cents which he uses to buy the Ajax Radio Network (costing exactly $26,000,000.03!) and then submits Daffy to the same "penalties" that he had received earlier. Daffy is then tied to a long plank being cut by the same buzz saw Porky was on to begin the cartoon, quickly irising out after Daffy screams at his studio audience, "Have you got a doctor in the balcony, lady?!" (This line was a takeoff of another radio quiz show, Doctor IQ, where the announcer would note "I have a lady in the balcony, doctor" to introduce a new contestant.)
The boulder that falls on Porky appears in the Boulder Museum.
On the game show Porky Pig won: 1. The Rocky Mountains, 2. A 17-Jewel half Nelson, 3. The La Brea Tar Pits, 4. The Rock of Gibraltar, 5. 600 gallons of genuine Niagara Falls, 6. $26,000,000.03.
The "Miss Shush" Porky is asked to identify by the sound of brushing her teeth is actually, as Daffy tells the audience, "Mamie the 600-Pound Gorilla who appears in Obnoxious Pictures' 'Jungle Jitters'". Both the character and film are fictitious; as the original cartoon did not feature a gorilla.
There are several references to well-known people in this cartoon, such as Eli Whitney, George Washington, and even Lauren Bacall.
The identification of the Ajax Broadcasting Company was an unusual name for Warner Bros.; Ajax was a name more commonly used by rival studio Disney, whereas Warner Bros. would more commonly use Acme Corporation in its later productions.
This is the last screwball Daffy Duck cartoon, as all of the directors eventually stuck with the greedy, self-centered Daffy that emerged in Rabbit Fire.
On Nickelodeon the entire scene where the off-screen audience member says "You'll be sorry!", along with Daffy shooting that off-screen audience with a gun is cut.[1]