Taz-Mania is an American cartoon sitcom produced by Warner Bros. Animation from 1991 to 1995, broadcast in the United States on Fox. The show follows the adventures of the Looney Tunes character Taz (The Tasmanian Devil) in the fictional land of Tazmania (based on Tasmania).
Similar to other Warner Brothers cartoons of its time, such as Animaniacs and Tiny Toon Adventures, Taz-Mania frequently broke the fourth wall, and often made jokes showing that Taz could actually speak perfectly normally when he wanted to. The intro indicates that, in this rendering of Tasmania, "the sky's always yellow, rain or shine". The title song is performed by Jess Harnell and Jim Cummings.
Hotel Tazmania staff:Bushwhacker Bob • Mum • Constance Koala • Mr. Thickly Outback characters:Digeri Dingo • Wendal T. Wolf • Francis X. Bushlad Minor characters:Bull and Axl Gator • Buddy Boar • Daniel and Timothy Platypus • The Keewee • The Bushrats • Willie Wombat
Season 1: "The Dog the Turtle Story" • "Like Father, Like Son" / "Frights of Passage" • "War & Pieces" / "Airbourne Airhead" • "It's No Picnic" / "Kee-Wee ala King" • "A Devil of a Job" • "Battling Bushrats" / "Devil in the Deep Blue Sea" • "Woeful Wolf" • "Devil with the Violet Dress On" / "Kidnapped Koala" • "Mishap in the Mist" / "Toothache Taz" • "Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty" / "Enter the Devil" • "Bewitched Bob" • "Instant Replay" / "Taz and the Pterodactyl" • "Comic Madness" / "Blunders Never Cease"
Season 2: "Amazing Shrinking Taz & Co." • "Oh, Brother" / "Taz-Babies" • "Jake's Big Date" / "Taz Live" • "A Midsummer Night's Scream" / "Astro Taz" • "Tazmanian Lullaby" / "Deer Taz" / "A Taz-Manian Moment" • "The Outer Taz-Manian Zone" / "Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty, Part 2" • "Taz-Mania's Funniest Home Videos" / "Bottle Cap Blues" • "Hypnotazed" / "Mum's n' Taz's" • "Boys Just Wanna Have Fun" / "Unhappy Together" • "Food for Thought" / "Gone to Pieces" • "Kee-Wee Cornered" / "But Is It Taz?" • "Mall Wrecked" / "A Dingo's Guide to Magic" • "The Man from M.A.R.S." / "Friends for Strife" Season 3: "Wacky Wombat" / "Molly's Folly" • "A Flea for Me" / "A Young Taz's Fancy" • "Never Cry Taz" / "Bully for Bull" • "Of Bushrats and Hugh" • "Merit Badgered" • "Devil Indemnity" • "Willie Wombat's Deja Boo-Boo" / "To Catch a Taz" • "The Thing that Ate the Outback" / "Because It's There" • "Antenna Dilemma" / "Autograph Pound" • "Taz and the Emu Egg" / "Willy Wombat's Last Stand" / "K-Taz Commercial" • "Doubting Dingo" / "Sub Commander Taz" • "Feed a Cold" / "Sidekick for a Day" • "No Time for Christmas" Season 4: "Road to Tazmania" • "Taz-Manian Theatre" / "The Bushrats Must Be Crazy" • "Return of the Road to Taz-Mania Strikes Back" • "Taz Like Dingo" • "The Pied Piper of Taz-Mania" / "The Treasure of the Burnt Sienna" • "Not a Shadow of a Doubt" / "Nursemaid Taz" • "Home Despair" / "Take All of Me" • "Bird-Brained Beast" / "Ready, Willing, Unable" • "We'll Always Have Taz-Mania" / "Moments You've Missed" • "Sidekicked" / "Gone with the Windbag" • "Driving Mr. Taz" / "Mean Bear" / "Taz Museum" • "Ticket Taker Taz" / "Taz2" • "Mutton for Nothing" / "Dr. Wendal and Mr. Taz" • "Taz-Mania Confidential" / "The Platypi Psonic Psensation Psimulator" • "The Not-So-Gladiators" / "One Ring Taz" • "Retakes Not Included" / "Pledge Dredge" • "Bushlad's Lament" / "Taz-Mania Comedy Institute" • "Heartbreak Taz" / "Just Be 'Cuz" • "The Taz Story Primer" / "Ask Taz" • "It's a Taz's Life" / "Gee Bull!" • "Taz in Keeweeland" / "Stuck for Bucks" / "A Philosophical Taz Moment" • "The Origin of the Beginning of the Incredible Taz-Man" / "Francis Takes a Stand" • "Yet Another Road to Taz-Mania" • "Bad Luck Bottlecap" / "A Story with a Moral" • "One Saturday in Taz-Mania" / "Platypi on Film"