Run of the House is an American sitcom television series created by Betsy Thomas that aired on the WB between September 11, 2003, and May 7, 2004. Nineteen episodes were produced, but only sixteen were aired before the show was canceled. The show was about a family of four siblings whose parents moved from Grand Rapids, Michigan, to Arizona because the weather would be better there for their father's health, but they left the mostly grown children to stay in their old house and look after themselves, with the 3 eldest siblings also having to deal with raising their 15-year-old sister, Brooke. There is also a nosy neighbor named Mrs. Norris who often pops in unannounced to check up on them.[1]
- Kyle Howard as Chris Franklin
- Sasha Barrese as Sally Franklin, the younger sister of Chris
- Margo Harshman as Brooke Franklin, the youngest sister of Chris
- Mo Gaffney as Marilyn Norris
- Joseph Lawrence as Kurt Franklin, the older brother of Chris
No. | Title | Directed by | Written by | Original air date |
1 | “Pilot” | David Trainer | Betsy Thomas | September 11, 2003 |
2 | “Kiss and Tell” | Robert Berlinger | Tom Purcell | September 18, 2003 |
3 | “The Party” | Robert Berlinger | Betsy Thomas | September 25, 2003 |
4 | “'Twas the Night Before Homecoming” | Robert Berlinger | Mark Hentemann | October 2, 2003 |
5 | “When There's Smoke, There's Fire” | Robert Berlinger | Theresa Mulligan | October 9, 2003 |
6 | “Chris Gets a Job” | Robert Berlinger | Frank Lombardi | October 16, 2003 |
7 | “Just Like Mom” | Robert Berlinger | Chrissy Pietrosh & Jessica Goldstein | October 23, 2003 |
8 | “Chris's College Friends” | Robert Berlinger | Theresa Mulligan | October 30, 2003 |
9 | “Sally's New Boss” | Peter Marc Jacobson | Frank Lombardi | November 6, 2003 |
10 | “The Education of Chris Franklin” | David Trainer | Douglas Lieblein | November 13, 2003 |
11 | “Forbiddn Fruit” | Peter Marc Jacobson | Mark Hentemann & Tom Purcell | November 20, 2003 |
12 | “The Fighting Irish” | Gerry Cohen | Will Benson | January 8, 2004 |
13 | “Drive My Car” | Gerry Cohen | Story by : Joel Church-Cooper Teleplay by : Tom Purcell & Theresa Mulligan | January 15, 2004 |
14 | “Undercover Brother” | Gerry Cohen | Chrissy Pietrosh & Jessica Goldstein | April 23, 2004 |
15 | “Sixteen” | Gail Mancuso | Chrissy Pietrosh & Jessica Goldstein | April 30, 2004 |
16 | “Signs” | Gerry Cohen | Story by : Lois Thomas Teleplay by : Betsy Thomas | May 7, 2004 |
17 | “Boy Toy” | Gail Mancuso | Robert Sternin | Unaired |
18 | “The Unnatural” | Gail Mancuso | Wil Berson | Unaired |
19 | “There's Something About Sally” | Douglas Lieblein | Unaired | |
- ↑ "'Run of the House' is rooted in reality". Deseret News (October 16, 2003). Retrieved on May 16, 2022.
External links[]
- Run of the House at