Rocko is the deuteragonist from the 1995 film The Pebble and the Penguin. He is voiced by Jim Belushi.
Physical Appearance[]
Rocko is a funny and sarcastic Rockhopper Penguin who does not like lies.
Role in Flim[]
- He's played by James Belushi.
- His species is a Northern Rockhopper Penguin.
- He doesn't like fibs.
- Rocko was rumored to be the movie's deuteragonist. This isn't true as Marina has as much plans as Hubie.
- When Rocko "flies" at the end, this is pure on-screen fiction, as it's a world-renowned fact that penguins are among a lot of birds that can't fly.
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Film | Video | Soundtack
Now and Forever | Sometimes I Wonder | The Good Ship Misery | Don't Make Me Laugh | Looks Like I Got Me a Friend