Porky Pig is shipwrecked on an island and lives like Robinson Crusoe and meets a Hottentot which he nicknames Friday. Friday begins to sing a song with Porky and a turtle by singing, "I love coffee, I love tea, I love the java jive and it loves me!" Porky decides to hunt for some animals but comes across more Hottentots. Eventually, Porky flees from the Hottentots with his trusty sidekick, Friday.
(2017) DVD Porky Pig 101, Disc 5 (Uses 90s print soundtrack with the incorrect 1937 fanfare from "Porky's Railroad" playing over the Looney Tunes opening titles)
Although this cartoon was in Nickelodeon's package of shorts, neither the original black and white nor redrawn colorized version aired due to the prominence of a black stereotype.