Percy Patterson is the deuteragonist of Warner Animation Group's 2018 animated feature film Smallfoot. He is an Irish nature-documentary television show host, that works with his agent Brenda. He is filming in a Tibetan village when he first meets Migo, and is introduced to the existence of Yetis.
Percy discovered his love of animals at a young age when he saw a lion for the first time. When his career began as a nature documentary television show host it was a massive success. Unfortunately due to the internet his ratings have slumped and he is looking for a way back on top.
Official Description[]
- A human, or Smallfoot, Percy is at first terrified when he comes face to face (or, face to knee) with Migo, because he believed, like everyone else, that yetis don’t exist. But this down-on-his-luck animal show host knows an opportunity when he sees it, and he starts recording. Now all he wants is to (A) stay alive, and (B) launch a viral video that will return him to his former glory.
- Percy's character was inspired by late Steve Irwin.
External links[]
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