Pepper Mills is a teenage girl featured on Histeria!, voiced by Tress MacNeille. An occasional singer in the Histeria! Kid Chorus, she is a hyperactive teenager who was born in Homewood, Illinois (as mentioned in "Really Oldies But Goodies"). She is almost a polar opposite in terms of personality to co-star Charity Bazaar, driven to adoration for any and all celebrities. As a result of this, she frequently pesters historical celebrities by asking for their autographs. However, Pepper constantly gets these historical figures mixed up with pop cultural celebrities, and it's only when she looks at the autograph she's just been given that she realizes she's made a mistake.
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Character jingles:The Ballad of Father Time • Big Fat Road Baby • Big Fat Baby Twins • World's Oldest Woman Jingle • Loud Kiddington Jingle • Pepper Mills Jingle Selected historical songs:Philo Farnsworth • Easter Island • The Invasion Song • Jefferson and Franklin Rap • You'll Be Leader of the United States • People Wanted Pepper on Their Food