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Warner Bros. Entertainment Wiki

Penelope Pussycat is an animated cartoon character, a cat featured in the Warner Bros. classic Looney Tunes animated shorts as the protagonist of the Pepé Le Pew shorts. Although she is typically a non-speaker, her "meows" and "purrs" (or "le mews" and "le purrs") were most often provided by Mel Blanc using a feminine voice. In the 1959 short Really Scent, she was voiced by June Foray, in the 1962 short Louvre Come Back to Me!, she was voiced by Julie Bennett, and in the 2000 movie Tweety's High-Flying Adventure, she was voiced by Frank Welker. Her first speaking role was in the 1995 short Carrotblanca, where she was voiced by Tress MacNeille.


Character history and personality[]

Penelope Pussycat is best known as the often bewildered love interest of Looney Tunes' anthropomorphic skunk, Pepé Le Pew. Penelope is a typical black and white pussycat, though by some means or another, she often finds herself with a white stripe down her back, whether painted intentionally or (mostly) by accident.

She often finds herself constantly being chased by the overly enthusiastic Pepé, but Penelope has been portrayed as the pursuer when the occasion has presented itself. For Scent-imental Reasons, Little Beau Pepé, and Really Scent have all shown Penelope to harbor an attraction to Pepé whenever his scent is neutralized (though in each cited instance, extenuating circumstances have caused Pepé to become repulsed by her, inciting Penelope to reverse the roles).

In more recent years, merchandising from Warner Bros (such as ornaments, glass wear, figurines, and children's activity books) has portrayed Penelope and Pepé as mutually attracted "sweethearts", though other modern media (such as The Looney Tunes Show and the current Looney Tunes comic book series) has maintained their classic "chasing" relationship. Carrotblanca featured her in an unusual role as the Ilsa counterpart to Bugs Bunny's Rick, with Sylvester portraying her husband and Le Pew as a minor pursuer.

Penelope Pussycat partly inspired the Tiny Toon Adventures character Furrball, a male cat who sees himself chased by an amorous female skunk (Fifi La Fume) whenever he has a white stripe painted down his back.

Physical Appearance[]

Name confusion[]

For many years, Penelope remained a nameless character, simply referred to as "the black cat". She was eventually given a name in the 1954 short, The Cat's Bah, where her mistress referred to her as "Penelope". The name was later contradicted in the 1955 short, Two Scent's Worth, where she was identified as "Fifi". In the 1959 short, Really Scent, she was referred to as "Fabrette". Confusingly, her mother was named "Fifi" in that short. In a model sheet from the early 1990s, she was referred to simply as "Le Cat".

She remained without an official name for many years until the 1995 release of Carrotblanca (a parody of Casablanca). Her name was then canonized as "Penelope Pussycat", as many advertisements for the short credited her as "Penelope Pussycat in her first speaking role."


Animated shorts[]


Films and Specials[]


Television shows[]



Warner Bros. Entertainment Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Penelope Pussycat.


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Looney tunes and merrie melodies logo
Franchises: Show-logo-looneyTunesMerrie Melodies logo

Television: The Bugs Bunny ShowThe Porky Pig ShowThe Road Runner ShowThe Merrie Melodies ShowSylvester and TweetyThe Daffy Duck ShowThe Daffy/Speedy ShowLooney Tunes on NickelodeonMerrie Melodies Starring Bugs Bunny and FriendsThat's Warner Bros.!Bugs N' Daffy
Feature Films: The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner MovieThe Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny MovieBugs Bunny's 3rd Movie: 1001 Rabbit TalesDaffy Duck's Fantastic IslandDaffy Duck's QuackbustersSpace JamThe Looney Tunes Hall of FameLooney Tunes: Back in Action
Specials: Daffy Duck and Porky Pig Meet the Groovie GhouliesCarnival of the AnimalsBugs Bunny's Easter FunniesBugs Bunny in SpaceBugs Bunny's Howl-o-Ween SpecialA Connecticut Rabbit in King Arthur's CourtBugs Bunny's ValentineBugs Bunny's Looney Christmas TalesHow Bugs Bunny Won the WestThe Bugs Bunny Mother's Day SpecialBugs Bunny's Thanksgiving DietDaffy Duck's Easter SpecialBugs Bunny's Bustin' Out All OverThe Bugs Bunny Mystery SpecialDaffy Duck's Thanks-For-Giving SpecialBugs Bunny: All American HeroBugs Bunny's Mad World of TelevisionAn Ounce of PreventionBugs vs. Daffy: Battle of the Music Video StarsBugs Bunny's Wild World of SportsHappy Birthday Bugs! 50 Looney YearsBugs Bunny's Overtures to DisasterBugs Bunny's Creature FeaturesBugs Bunny's Lunar Tunes

Main characters: Barnyard DawgBeaky BuzzardBugs BunnyCecil TurtleCharlie DogClaude CatDaffy DuckElmer FuddFoghorn LeghornGossamerGrannyHector the BulldogHenery HawkHippety HopperHubie and BertieLola BunnyMac and ToshMarc Anthony and PussyfootMarvin the MartianMichigan J. FrogMiss PrissyPenelope PussycatPepé Le PewPete PumaPorky PigRalph WolfRoad RunnerSam SheepdogSpeedy GonzalesSylvesterSylvester Jr.TazThe CrusherTweety BirdWile E. CoyoteWitch HazelYosemite Sam

Minor characters: Blacque Jacque ShellacqueBoskoThe CrusherGiovanni JonesYoyo DodoTasmanian She-DevilMelissa DuckHugo the Abominable SnowmanSpike and ChesterNasty CanastaThe GremlinPrivate SnafuPetunia PigPlayboy PenguinShropshire SlasherCount BloodcountMama BuzzardColonel ShuffleEgghead Jr.Owl JolsonToro the BullRocky and MugsyMinah BirdInkiBeansLittle KittyHam And ExOliver OwlPiggyGabby GoatBuddyHoneySlowpoke RodriguezThe Three BearsFoxyK-9A. FleaSnifflesConstruction WorkerFrisky PuppyRalph MouseHoney BunnyRoxyThe Martin BrothersRalph PhillipsClyde BunnyFauntleroy FlipDr. I.Q. HiGruesome GorillaSloppy MoeHatta MariBusinessmanThe WeaselWiloughbyThe Two Curious PuppiesCool CatBabbit and CatstelloInstant MartiansBobo the ElephantColonel RimfireSmokey The GenieJose and ManuelMerlin the Magic Mouse and Second BananaConrad the CatAngus MacRoryBanty RoosterThree Little PigsTom TurkeyGoopy GeerNelly the GiraffeAla BahmaDr. LorreCottontail SmithBunny and ClaudeClaude HopperThe Hep CatThe Drunk StorkThe CatSinging CatSouthern SheriffOld Woman's CanaryOld Woman's CatBluebeardPorky's Drunken FriendsOld WomanLittle Red Riding Hood's Grandma • Little Red Riding Hood (Little Red Walking Hood/Little Red Riding Rabbit/Goldilocks and the Jivin' Bears) • Goldilocks (The Bear's Tale/Goldilocks and the Jivin' Bears) • The CrowKing ArthurKing Arthur's Knights

Warner Bros. CartoonsDePatie-Freleng EnterprisesFormat FilmsChuck Jones EnterprisesReel FX
Dave BarryWarren BatchelderMel BlancTed BonnicksenArthur Q. BryanBill ButlerBob ClampettRuss DysonMilt FranklynFriz FrelengManny GouldGeorge GrandpreKen HarrisHugh HarmanRochelle HudsonRudolf IsingUb IwerksChuck JonesCarman MaxwellNorman McCabeChuck McKimsonRobert McKimsonTom McKimsonWillian LavaLou LillyMichael MalteseTedd PierceHawley PrattTom RayVirgil RossLeon SchlesingerRob ScribnerEddie SelzerCarl StallingLarry Storch
A Hot Time in the Old Town TonightWhistle and Blow Your Blues AwayI Think You're DuckyThe Merry-Go-Round Broke DownMerrily We Roll Along

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Tiny toon adventures logo
Shows: Tiny Toon AdventuresThe Plucky Duck ShowPinky, Elmyra & the BrainTiny Toons Looniversity

Film and Specials: How I Spent My VacationSpring BreakTiny Toons' Night Ghoulery

Video games: 1991 LCD video game1991 NES video gameCartoon WorkshopBabs' Big BreakTrouble in WackylandMontana's Movie MadnessBuster's Hidden TreasureBuster Busts Loose!Cancelled Atari Jaguar video gameWacky Sports ChallengeACME All-StarsBuster and the BeanstalkThe Great BeanstalkToonensteinPlucky's Big AdventureBuster Saves the DayDizzy's Candy QuestWacky StackersBuster's Bad DreamDefenders of the Universe (cancelled)

Main characters: Buster BunnyBabs BunnyPlucky DuckHamton J. PigDizzy DevilShirley the LoonFurrballSweetie BirdLittle BeeperCalamity CoyoteLi'l SneezerFifi La FumeElmyra DuffMontana MaxTyrone Turtle

Looney Tunes guest stars: Bugs BunnyDaffy DuckTweetySylvesterTasmanian DevilWile E. Coyote and the Road RunnerMichigan J. Frog

Perfecto Prep alumni: Roderick RatRhubella RatDanforth Drake

Other villains: Duck VaderDr. Gene SplicerSilas WonderGotcha GrabmoreMr. HitcherTupelo ToadSandy Witch

Other notable characters: Ralph the GuardCooper DaVilleMelvin the MonsterMitziRoverMarcia the MartianGrovellySteven SpielbergBanjo the PossumJohnny PewOrson Whales

Season 1: "The Looney Beginning" • "A Quack in the Quarks" • "The Wheel o' Comedy" • "Test Stressed" • "The Buster Bunny Bunch" • "Her Wacky Highness" • "Hollywood Plucky" • "Journey to the Center of Acme Acres" • "It's Buster Bunny Time" • "Stuff That Goes Bump in the Night" • "Looking Out for the Little Guy" • "Starting from Scratch" • "Citizen Max" • "Hare Raising Night" • "Furrball Follies" • "The Acme Acres Zone" • "Life in the 90's" • "Rock 'n' Roar" • "Prom-ise Her Anything" • "Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow" • "Cinemaniacs!" • "You Asked for It" • "Gang Busters" • "Wake Up Call of the Wild" • "Buster and the Wolverine" • "You Asked for It, Part II" • "Europe in 30 Minutes" • "The Wacko World of Sports" • "Rainy Daze" • "Fields of Honey" • "Sawdust and Toonsil" • "Spring in Acme Acres" • "Psychic Fun-Omenon Day" • "The Wide World of Elmyra" • "A Ditch in Time" • "Animaniacs!" • "Career Oppor-Toon-ities" • "Strange Tales of Weird Science" • "Inside Plucky Duck" • "The Acme Bowl" • "Dating, Acme Acres Style" • "Looniversity Daze" • "Best 'o Plucky Duck Day" • "Hero Hamton" • "Whale's Tales" • "Ask Mr. Popular" • "Son of Looniversity Daze" • "Mr. Popular's Rules of Cool" • "Fairy Tales for the 90's" • "Who Bopped Bugs Bunny?" • "Tiny Toons Music Television" • "The Return to the Acme Acres Zone" • "The Acme Home Shopping Show" • "Weirdest Stories Ever Told" • "Viewer Mail Day" • "Son of the Wacko World of Sports" • "Pollution Solution" • "You Asked for It, Again" • "Brave Tales of Real Rabbits" • "How Sweetie It Is" • "New Character Day" • "Here's Hamton" • "No Toon is an Island" • "K-ACME TV" • "High Toon"

Season 2: "Pledge Week" • "Going Places" • "Elephant Issues" • "Hog-Wild Hamton" • "Playtime Toons" • "Toon Physics" • "Acme Cable TV" • "Buster and Babs Go Hawaiian" • "Henny Youngman Day" • "Love Disconnection" • "Kon Ducki" • "Sepulveda Boulevard" • "Take Elmyra, Please"

Season 3: "Thirteensomething" • "New Class Day" • "Fox Trot" • "What Makes Toons Tick" • "Flea for Your Life" • "The Return of Batduck" • "Toons Take Over" • "Toons from the Crypt" • "Two-Tone Town" • "Buster's Directorial Debut" • "Washingtoon" • "Toon TV" • "Grandma's Dead" • "Music Day" • "The Horror of Slumber Party Mountain" • "Sports Shorts" • "Weekday Afternoon Live" • "A Cat's Eye View" • "Best of Buster Day" • "It's a Wonderful Tiny Toon Christmas Special"

Theme song
Acme AcresAcme LooniversityWackylandMontana Max's mansion
See also
AnimaniacsPinky and the BrainFreakazoid!Histeria!

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Space Jam title (A New Legacy)
Space JamVideo gameSoundtrackVideoSpace Jam: A New Legacy
Space Jam: Bugs BunnyLola BunnyDaffy DuckPorky PigMichael JordanElmer FuddSylvester the CatTweety BirdTasmanian DevilMr. SwackhammerThe NerdlucksYosemite SamGrannyFoghorn LeghornMarvin the MartianStanley PodolakWile E. Coyote and the Road RunnerPepé Le PewSpeedy GonzalesSylvester JuniorPete PumaToro the BullHenery HawkPorky's Drunken FriendsHector the BulldogGruesome GorillaThe CrusherMama BuzzardWitch HazelThree BearsThe Martin BrothersSpike and ChesterSnifflesRocky and MugsyMarc Anthony and PussyfootAla BahmaAngus MacRoryBarnyard DawgBeaky BuzzardBobo the ElephantSlowpoke RodriguezThe WeaselLittle Red Riding HoodMichigan J. FrogCharlie DogCecil TurtleClaude CatGiovanni JonesGossamerOwl JolsonRalph Wolf and Sam SheepdogHippety HopperAngus MacRoryJuanita JordanJeffery JordanMarcus JordanJasmine JordanBill MurrayLarry Bird

Space Jam: A New Legacy: LeBron JamesDom JamesAl-G RhythmBatmanParzivalJokerNolan SorrentoI-R0kPeteScooby-DooShaggy RogersSupermanGandalfHarry PotterThe MaskIron GiantKing KongEmmet BrickowskiWyldstyleMax RockatanskyAustin PowersRick BlaineIlsa LundArya StarkDrogonNeoScorpionSub-ZeroMumbleOsmosis JonesDorothy GaleTotoScarecrowTin WoodmanCowardly LionSloth Fratelli GizmoFred FlintstoneBarney RubbleYogi BearGeorge JetsonLloyd GarmadonUnikittyBennyWilly WonkaFrodo BagginsMetalbeardSamwise GamgeeLegolasGimliHermione GrangerRonald WeasleyWonder WomanThe FlashAquamanCyborgGreen LanternAlfred PennyworthKaiColeJayZaneMaster WuNyaLeah EstrogenTrinityImperator FuriosaShazamRobinBatgirlFinnJakeStarfireRavenBeast BoyBlossomBubblesButtercupRick SanchezMorty SmithMikey WalshBrand WalshChunk CohenMouth DevereauxData WangAndy CarmichaelStef SteinbrennerLord VoldemortLex LuthorSauronAgent SmithItThe Wicked Witch of the WestLord BusinessStripeImmortan JoeDr. EvilDorian TyrellFreddy KruegerJason VoorheesJack TorranceMechagodzillaSarumanGollumTwo-FaceThe PenguinCatwomanThe RiddlerHarley QuinnMaster ChenThraxShang TsungSinestroBaneScarecrowPoison IvyMr. FreezeBlack AdamDeathstrokeShao KahnDarkseidGoon Squad

Theme SongFly Like an Eagle • The Winner • I Believe I Can FlyHit 'Em High (The Monstars' Anthem) • I Found My Smile Again • For You I WillUpside Down ('Round-N-'Round) • Givin' U All That I've Got • Basketball JonesPump Up the JamI Turn to You • All of My Days • That's the Way (I Like It) • Buggin' • JumpEverybody Wants to Rule the WorldTom Sawyer • The Crowd Go Crazy • We're Not Gonna Take It • Space Jam Rap Battle • Man in the Mirror
Moron MountainLooney Tune LandThe Tune StadiumSchlesinger GymServer-verse • Harry Potter World • DC World • Mad Max World • Austin Powers World • Casablanca World • Game of Thrones World • The Wizard of Oz World • The Matrix World • Wonder Woman World • The LEGO Movie World • The Lord of the Rings World • The Mask World • Ready Player One World • Scooby-Doo World • The Flintstones World • The Jetsons World • Yogi Bear World • Gremlins World • The Goonies World • Beetlejuice World • Ninjago World • Adventure Time World • The Powerpuff Girls World • Teen Titans Go! World
See Also
Looney TunesMerrie MelodiesLooney Tunes: Back in ActionTune SquadList of cameos in Space JamSpace Jam/Gallery Space Jam/TranscriptDom Ball

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Looney Tunes: Back in ActionSoundtrackVideo gameVideo
Live-action: D.J. DrakeKate HoughtonMr. ChairmanDamian DrakeDusty TailsBob Smith


Temple of the Blue Monkey
Blue Monkey
See Also
Looney TunesMerrie MelodiesSpace Jam

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Loonatics Unleashed logo
See also

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The Looney Tunes Show logo 2011
Bugs BunnyDaffy DuckPorky PigTina RussoLola BunnyPetunia PigGrannyYosemite SamMarvin the MartianTasmanian DevilElmer FuddThe CrusherPete PumaWitch HazelFoghorn LeghornMac and ToshSpeedy GonzalesGiovanni JonesCecil TurtleGossamerPepe Le PewSylvesterTweetyWile E. Coyote and the Road Runner
See also

