OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes is a superhero comedy animated series created by Ian Jones-Quartey for Cartoon Network. It is based off the original pilot "Lakewood Plaza Turbo", originally released May 21, 2013 for Cartoon Network's 2013 Summer Shorts project. The series was originally believed to not picked up due to its lack of information over the past three years since the pilot's debut, aside from some slight hints and sketches of the cartoon. However, later, the voice actress of KO, Stephanie Nadolny, confirmed that the series is in production; with her having already recorded his voice for five episodes.
OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes is set in the year of 201X. A boy named K.O. aims to become the greatest hero as he works at Gar's Bodega, a hero supply shop located in Lakewood Plaza Turbo owned by Mr. Gar, a serious, dedicated manager. Alongside K.O. are his best friends and co-workers, Enid, a relaxed responsible ninja and Radicles, a narcissistic alien slacker. K.O. takes on adventures with his best friend and classmate Dendy and battles for the plaza against Lord Boxman's robots.