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Nicholas Hamilton is an Australian actor whose two most notable film roles are Rellian Cash in the 2016 film Captain Fantastic and a plot irrelevant Henry Bowers in the 2017 film It.

Early life[]

Hamilton was born in Lismore, Australia to Vicki Atkins and Craig Hamilton. He has a brother named Joshua "JJ" Hamilton and two sisters namely Rebecca Hamilton and Rachel Hamilton. His uncle died from cancer in 2011, which he credits as starting his career, stating "I knew I had to pursue acting for him." His first role was the part of Elvis in a grade five school play - Hamilton said he reluctantly took it, but 'really enjoyed [the] whole process' of rehearsal. He later joined a local acting agency.


Hamil­ton gained in­dus­try at­ten­tion in the 2013 short film Time, di­rected by Liam Con­nor. He played a young boy who be­lieved in time travel. The film was a fi­nal­ist of the 2013 Tropfest Short Film Fes­ti­val, and Hamil­ton won an award at the fes­ti­val for Best Male Actor. This gained him the at­ten­tion of Cather­ine Poul­ton, an agent in Mel­bourne, Vic­to­ria, Aus­tralia. He began his screen ca­reer with a role in Mako: Is­land of Se­crets, and parts in short films such as Jackrab­bit and Let­ter to Annabelle.

Hamil­ton's first role in a fea­ture film was as Nicole Kid­man and Joseph Fiennes' son in the Aus­tralian drama-sus­pense film Stranger­land. In early 2016, he landed a guest role in Wanted with Re­becca Gib­ney. His first Amer­i­can per­for­mance was as Rel­lian in 2016's Cap­tain Fan­tas­tic, for which he was nom­i­nated for Best Sup­port­ing Actor at the Young Artist Awards, along with the Screen Ac­tors Guild Award for Out­stand­ing Performance by a Cast in a Mo­tion Pic­ture. In 2014, after film­ing Cap­tain Fantastic, he joined with WME and 3 Arts En­ter­tain­ment. In 2017, he portrayed Lucas Han­son in the film adap­ta­tion of The Dark Tower, as well as Henry Bow­ers in It. To pre­pare for the role of Bow­ers, Hamil­ton read the orig­i­nal novel and li­aised with Jarred Blancard, who por­trayed Bow­ers in the 1990 minis­eries. In 2018, it was an­nounced he would por­tray Pri­vate Noel Grimes in Dan­ger Close, an Aus­tralian film cen­tered on the Bat­tle of Long Tan and End­less/Undy­ing as Chris, a teenager who finds him­self trapped in a pur­ga­tory search­ing for a way to make con­tact with his true love. He re­turned as young Henry Bow­ers in It Chap­ter Two, re­leased in 2019.

Personal life[]

Hamil­ton cur­rently re­sides in Aus­tralia, but has said he hopes to move to Los An­ge­les in the future. He has a dog named Roxy.


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