Mortal Kombat: Conquest is an American martial arts television series developed by Juan Carlos Coto. Based on the Mortal Kombat fighting game franchise, it aired in syndication for one season from 1998 to 1999. The series serves as a prequel to the games, following the original Kung Lao (Paolo Montalban) as he protects Earthrealm with the help of bodyguard Siro (Daniel Bernhardt) and former thief Taja (Kristanna Loken). It was one of the first live action shows based on a video game to air on United States television, preceded only by the live action segments of The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!.
Earthrealm: Cage Mansion • Fire Temple • Subway • Wu Shi Academy Outworld: Dead Pool • Living Forest • Soul Chamber • Sun Do • Netherrealm: Kronika's Keep Other realms: Edenia • The Hourglass
Amulet of Shinnok • Razor-Rimmed Hat • Wrath Hammer