Lucas Gottesman is a supporting character of the television series Pretty Little Liars. He was tautned and bullied in school but became friends with Hanna Marin and Caleb Rivers. This made him a target of A and was forced to help Mona Vanderwaal. He left the school to be homeschooled and returned to Rosewood High School.
In Season 2, while Mona Vanderwaal/"A" is off riding horses with Hanna, "A" comes in and massages Emily, leaving the Liars confused as to who performed this deed if not Mona.
In Season 3, while the Liars are in the school basement, "A" appears and runs out, leaving a note behind. However, Hanna recognizes that the shoes belong to Lucas and confronts him. He claims that Mona has been blackmailing him to help her ever since the Masquerade Ball in the Season 2 finale.
In Season 4, however, Mona reveals that Lucas actually was the "A" who gave Emily a massage.
In Season 5, Lucas joins Mona's team as her chief helper.
- Lucas claims to have been blackmailed since the Masquerade Ball, however, the massage he gave Emily occurred prior, leaving the question of if he was blackmailed for this.