Looney Tunes Cartoons is a web television series of the Looney Tunes franchise. It will be comprised of 1-6 minute shorts and debuted on HBO Max on May 27, 2020, as the service's very first original series. It has received mostly positive reviews and is the most-watched series on HBO Max. It will be a departure from prior Looney Tunes productions as in each short will have a different artist and art style. The only known voice actors for the Looney Tunes Cartoons are Jeff Bergman, Bob Bergen and Eric Bauza.
This series, while restricting as most as possible the use of guns (even for characters whose guns are iconic parts of their identity, like Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam and Rocky & Mugsy), on the other hand sees the return of the adult humor that characterized the original Golden Age shorts, like slapstick violence (sometimes even more "graphic"), death and suicide jokes, fourth wall commentary, and sexual innuendos.
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