Laura's Star and the Dream Monster (German: Lauras Stern und die Traummonster) is a 2011 German animated feature film produced by Rothkirch Cartoon Film and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. It was released in Germany on October 13, 2011.
Laura and his stern are together again in order to help Tommy. He must save her beloved play dog who was kidnapped by a group of dream monsters.
Voice cast[]
- Laura: Annabel Wolf
- Tommy: Sandro Iannotta
- Father: Heinrich Schafmeister
- Lichtfänger: Ralf Schmitz
- Chefmonster: Oliver Kalkofe
- Tentakel: Désirée Nick
- Beule: Martin Schneider
- Fresso: Markus Maria Profitlich
- Stielauge: Bernhard Hoëcker
- Minihase: Stephan Colli
- Minibär: Michael Braun
- Sophie: Emma Grimm
- Harry: Kai Hogenacker
- Ben: Luca Kämmer
- Kumpel: Jakob Göss
External Links[]