Lars is the main protagonist of The Little Polar Bear by Hans de Beer and the German animated film of the same name, along with its sequels, The Mysterious Island, Lars and the Little Tiger, and The Dream of Flying.
Lars is spunky, cute, and loves making new friends. He is also selfless, honest, and as any kid would, he gets into trouble and is extremely curious. Lars lives with his parents, Nina and Mika, and has a menagerie of wonderful friends, from Robby the seal pup and Lena the Inuit girl to Nemo the seafaring cat and Yuri the hilarious puffin. He won't let any rule, bully, or monster stand in his way, and goes on exciting adventures throughout the series.
The Little Polar Bear:Lars • Greta • Lena • Laura's Star:Laura • Tommy • Laura's mother • Laura's Father • Max • Harry • Star Little Dodo: Rabbit Without Ears and Two-Eared Chick: