The film opens with a little blotch of light flittering into an open tent at a camp site. it turns out to be the title character, a bug with a fireman's hat and a little glowing lantern. He lands on the head of a sleeping man in the tent, and begins exploring the facial features as though they are mountainous formations. He goes down from there, from the head to the nose, and then he goes down on top of the big guy's body. Joe Glow explores the hands, fingers, and gets spooked by a wristwatch. He decides he's had enough of this, so he flies up onto a table and starts exploring the various things on it. He checks out a Swiss army knife, a few bottles, and ultimately gets curious about the big overturned can of table salt. He opens the lid and gets flooded with salt. He nearly knocks a ketchup bottle off the table, but quickly grabs a piece of string and lassos it before it hits and wakes the man up. He has trouble with a pepper shaker too; he gets stuck inside until he sneezes himself out, shooting him across the tent and getting his little lantern stuck under the lid of the shaker. He decides to check out the man again, and since there's nothing more to see, he gently lands on the guy's ear, and utters the only line of the entire film, a loud "good night!!!" The cartoon ends just as it began, with the ball of light buzzing around outside the tent.