Hoppy is a fictional character featured in the Hanna-Barbera animated television series The Flintstones. He is a Hopparoo, a kangaroo/dinosaur creature, who debuted in the fifth season's first episode, "Hop Happy," and becomes a pet of the Barney and Betty Rubble.
In the fifth season's premiere episode, Barney, seeing how much Bamm-Bamm loves Dino, felt his son should have a pet of his own. Upon entering a pet store, Barney is unimpressed with the animals within it and asks for something different. The shopkeeper then introduces him to a creature that comes from "down under," a hopparoo. Bamm-Bamm takes an immediate liking to his hopping new friend and the hopparoo is adopted and named Hoppy.
After taking him home, Fred and Dino, while dealing with a mouse problem in their home, accidentally encounter the hopparoo and (after mistaking him for a giant mouse) are frightened of him. The mistake is eventually cleared up, but Fred later develops a strong disliking for Hoppy after he easily beats him in a quick boxing match. When the Flintstones and Rubbles went off on a family picnic, Dino and Hoppy were forced to stay behind, but wanting desperately to go, the two pets break free of their leashes and follow their families. By the time they arrived at the picnic area, they find the babies, Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm, standing at the edge of a cliff while their parents were stuck on a branch further down. After saving the children, Hoppy rushed off to get help and returned with policemen and firemen to rescue the rest of the family. Hoppy was dubbed a hero, changing Fred's view of him and becoming best friends with Dino. He is mostly seen in later episodes helping babysit the children or chatting with Dino.
Other Media[]
Hoppy makes a noticeable appearance in a Nintendo video game, The Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy.
A CG animated hopparoo makes a small appearance in the second live-action film The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas. Though not meant to be Hoppy it was a clear reference to the character.