Hawaiian Aye Aye is a 1964Merrie Melodies animated short, directed by Gerry Chiniquy and written by Tedd Pierce and Bill Danch, starring Tweety and Sylvester. Sylvester and Tweety's voices were provided by Mel Blanc, while Tweety's owner Granny was voiced by June Foray. It was the also last non-Bugs Bunny cartoon produced by the original Warner Bros. studio before it closed down in 1963. And this is also the last time the classic bullet-shot Merrie Melodies rings were used for the intro and outro sequences.
On the island of Hawaii, Granny is off to join a luau celebration, leaving Tweety to look after himself. A peckish Sylvester spots Tweety and tries to get him, but fish stand between Sylvester and his prey, foremost among them Granny's pet Sharky. Sylvester's attempts with a zip line and a pressurized diving suit are no match for Sharky, and sawfish destroy a pair of stilts. Just then Granny and Tweety leave, finished from their vacation. Determined not to lose Tweety, Sylvester rows in a canoe after the cruiser with Sharky behind him all this time.
This is the only Tweety cartoon directed by Gerry Chiniquy, a longtime animator of Friz Freleng's unit. Overall, it was still worked on by the Freleng team.