Generator Rex is an American animated science fiction television series created by Man of Action for Cartoon Network, with John Fang of Cartoon Network Studios serving as supervising director. It was inspired by the comic M. Rex, published by Image Comics in 1999. The series premiered in the United States on April 23, 2010 on Cartoon Network, and concluded on January 3, 2013. A crossover special with Ben 10: Ultimate Alien, titled Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United, aired on November 25, 2011, while a second 44-minute four-part special, Ben Gen 10, aired on April 11, 2021, featuring new versions of the Generator Rex characters in the Ben 10 reboot universe.
The series is about a 15 year old guy known as Rex Salazar who is gifted with the power to cure monsters known as EVOs and to even build weapons out of his body.
- Rex Salazar
- Agent Six
- Bobo Haha
- Noah Nixon
- Van Kleiss
- Dr.Rebecca Hoilday
- Circe
Note: this list is incomplete you can help the wiki by expanding it.
- Daryl Sabara as Rex Salazar
- Wally Kurth as Agent Six and Captain Calan
- John DiMaggio as Bobo Haha
- Troy Baker as Van Kleiss, Roswell, Biowulf, Agent Weaver
Series overview[]
Season: | episodes: | premiere: | end: |
1 | 21 | April 23rd, 2010 | December 10th, 2010 |
2 | 19 | February 4th, 2011 | November 4th, 2011 |
3 | 20 | November 11th, 2011 | January 3rd, 2013 |
Home media[]
All three seasons are available on iTunes and Amazon Prime.
A Volume 1 set was released on DVD on October 2010.
The series was released on HBO Max in Latin America on March 2022.
Appearances in other works[]
Rex made an appearance in the OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes episode, Crossover Nexus, as one of the Cartoon Network heroes summoned and defeated by Strike.
Video game[]
A video game adaptation known as Agent of Providence, was released in 2011 on Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, and Nintendo 3DS.
Rex, Agent Six, and Bobo Haha were later added as NPCs in Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall.
- Generator Rex was the last Cartoon Network series to premiere during the Noods era.
- On April 2023, it was confirmed that a revival of the series was originally planned but was scrapped by Cartoon Network.