From A to Z-Z-Z-Z is a 1954 Looney Tunes cartoon, directed by Chuck Jones. It marks the first appearance of Ralph Phillips. In this cartoon, Ralph daydreams at school.
At Valley View School, pupils are learning arithmetic, but Ralph Phillips is daydreaming. He imagines flying with the birds until the teacher calls on him to do a problem on the blackboard. The numbers on the board begin to laugh at him so he fights with them. The teacher asks him to bring a letter to the mailbox so he does it Pony Express style. During the geography lesson, he watches the fish tank and imagines himself a diver for the Navy, fighting a saber-toothed tiger shark as he rescues a submarine from the depths. When the kraken's tentacle grabs him, it's really the teacher taking him to stand in the corner. But it's the corner of the boxing ring. He pummels his opponent until the bell rings, but it's really the school bell signalling the end of the day. As he leaves the classroom he becomes General Douglas MacArthur vowing "I shall return."
On Cartoon Network airings (except on "The Chuck Jones Show" which shows uncut cartoons), the scene when Ralph in his Western daydream, shooting pistols at Indians, has been shortened.[1]
The original opening and ending rings were restored for DVD release.
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