Evil Con Carne is an American animated series/spin-off of Grim & Evil and sister show of The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, created by Maxwell Atoms. The series first appeared on Cartoon Network during the show Grim & Evil, along with The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy. The two series later became separate programs in 2003. While The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy runs for six seasons, Evil Con Carne only runs fourteen episodes and ended on October 22, 2004. It was also part of Cartoon Network's series, Cartoon Cartoons, and is the 15th and final cartoon of the series (albeit on when it was part of Grim & Evil, due to the Cartoon Cartoons brand was temporary discontinued earlier in June 2003; the show itself is considered by some to be a Cartoon Cartoon regardless). An official series finale, titled Company Halt, aired on March 16, 2007.
On April 13, 2012, the series returned to Cartoon Network in reruns on the revived block, Cartoon Planet.
The series is about Hector Con Carne, a former "jillionaire playboy" evil genius planning on taking over the world. He died in an explosion by his nemesis, Cod Commando. His brain and stomach were attached to the body of a bear known as Boskov.
Hector Con Carne
General Skarr
Major Dr.Ghastly
Cod Commando
Abraham Lincoln
Max Courage
Rick Courage
Destructicus Con Carne
Kablamity Jane
Judge Bukowski
Rupert the Reindeer
Mrs. Con Carne (Hector's mom)
Home media[]
Six episodes of Evil Con Carne were featured as bonus features on The Complete Season 1 DVD release of The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
The series was released on demand in 2017.
The complete series of Evil Con Carne was re-released on iTunes along with Cow and Chicken on August 16th, 2018.
Season 1 (2003–2004)[]
Season 2 (2004)[]
Crossover (2007)[]
See also[]
External links[]
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