Intelligent, polite, mature, curious, cowardly and considerate, somewhat ironic, scrupulous, but kind and well-intentioned, docile, disciplined, gentle, accepting, albeit sometimes awkward and timid, well-respected, perfectionist, delicate and mysophobic, brave, laid back, soft-spoken, subservient, understanding, sarcastic and insubordinate, modest, helpful, optimistic, peace loving
Ed and Eddy's friend
Second-in-command of the EdsStudent of Peach Creek Junior HighSchool Nurse AssistantEditor of The Peach Creek Junior High TattlerHalf-Back player of Peach Creek Cobblers football teamPresident of Peach Creek Junior High's Happy Cluckers ClubBlack Death (Halloween Special)
To clean up the environment.
To become popular with The Kids (succeeded).
Unnamed mother
Unnamed father
Eddy (classmates, best friend)
Ed (classmates, best friend)
Nazz (classmates, girlfriend)
Kevin (classmates, best friend)
Rolf (classmates, best friend)
Inventing, nature, hanging out with his friends
Edd is the second and smartest member of The Ed's. he is often called Double D since his name Edd has two D's. he wears a hat on his head to cover the top since he feels embarrassed when anyone see's it.
Background [ ]
Official Description [ ]
Development [ ]
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Appearances [ ]
Television shows [ ]
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Quotes [ ]
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