Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show is a 2009 Canadian-American animated road comedy television film based on the animated series Ed, Edd n Eddy. It was produced by a.k.a. Cartoon and premiered on Cartoon Network in the United States, and Teletoon in Canada on November 8, 2009. It serves as the series finale of Ed, Edd n Eddy. The film was directed by series creator Danny Antonucci, who co-wrote the film with Jono Howard, Mike Kubat, Rachel Connor, and Stacy Warnick. The movie centers on Ed, Edd and Eddy's journey to find Eddy's unnamed (and previously unseen) older brother.
Antonucci first announced a "90 minute special" in 2006, and its title in 2007. Originally set to air in 2007, its premiere date was then moved to 2008, the year it was completed in, and finally to 2009. The series' sixth season was shortened, as Antonucci and the team at a.k.a. Cartoon wanted to focus on the production of the film. The score is composed by Patric Caird, who also composed the music for the series. The voice cast features all of the series' voice actors, while series voice director Terry Klassen was cast as Eddy's Brother. The film was a success in the ratings for Cartoon Network, posting double and triple digit ratings delivery gains and was met with a positive reception. It was also released on the iTunes Store.