Doggone Cats is a 1947 Merrie Melodies cartoon directed by Arthur Davis, and starring Sylvester. This cartoon was retitled Dog Gone Cats when re-released as a blue ribbon.
Sylvester (Who's acting a little goofy) and his friend an orange cat are being chased by a bull-dog named Wellington. The chase comes to a stop when the Dog is visited by his mistress, who's forces him to deliver a package to Uncle Louie. Telling him, "And Don't let go of it or else"! The cats take advantage of this and decide to torment him.
First they smash an egg right in Wellington's face, then hit him with a garbage can, tie him up to a train, then run over him, throw him in the river and lastly flatter him with a steamroller. When Wellington has delivers the package, he finds out that it contains dinner for two cats.
Lobby Cards[]
Sylvester is not yet named Sylvester in this cartoon, but the design is clearly Sylvester.
This one of the only two Sylvester cartoons to be directed by Art Davis. The other is Catch as Cats Can.
Additionally this one of the only two to be animated by Basil Davidovich.
Wellington reappears in Odor of the Day.
The cartoon was in Cinecolor and reissued in 1955-56 season.
Since the cartoon was in Cinecolor, the original closing does not survive.
The cartoon was reissued as a Blue Ribbon, however, the original titles are known to exist.
On Cartoon Network and the former WB channel, the part where a trash can lands on Wellington's head and he briefly impersonates a Chinese man was cut.