Evil or antagonistic characters in Warner Bros. media.
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All items (782)
- Abracadaver (character)
- Adolf Hitler
- Adolph Kitler
- Adolpho
- Agent Smith
- Agents (The Matrix)
- Aku
- Al-G Rhythm
- Ala Bahma
- Albert Johnson
- Alex Drake
- Alexander Luthor Jr.
- Alicia Hunt
- Alien Leader
- Alison DiLaurentis
- Allegro
- Alley Cats
- Aloysius Animo
- Alvin Marsh
- Amelia von Butch
- Aquamarine
- Arjen Rudd
- Armadillo
- Arnold Royalton
- Arthur Slugworth
- Ashi
- Aspheera
- Audrey II
- Auntie Roon
- Avocato
- Babyface Finster
- Bad Cop
- Bane (DC Comics)
- Bane (The Matrix)
- Barbarus Bikini
- Barkis Bittern
- Barnyard Dawg
- Barty Crouch Jr.
- The Batman Who Laughs
- Becky & Gwen
- Beetlejuice (character)
- Bellatrix Lestrange
- Bendy
- Bernie Bernstein
- Bhero
- Bianca Bikini
- Biff Wellington
- Big Bob Oakley
- Bill McLemore
- Bill Sikes
- Bingo (The Banana Splits)
- Black Knight
- Black Manta
- Black Mouth
- Blackbeard
- Blackfire
- Blacque Jacque Shellacque
- Blast-Off Buzzard (character)
- Bleacher
- Blob King
- Bloo
- Bloodsport
- Blue Genie
- Blue Pirate Bob
- Bluebeard
- Bob the Goon
- Boomerang (DC Comics)
- Bowers Gang
- Brain (Pinky and the Brain)
- Bro Sharks
- Broccoloids
- Brother Blood
- Brother Eye
- Brotherhood of Evil
- Bud and Lou
- Bud Smith
- Buddy
- Butch Cat
- Butch Dog
- Butterfingers
- Candice (Batman: The Animated Series)
- Candle Jack
- Captain Boomerang
- Captain Cold
- Captain Crack McCraigen
- Captain Cutler
- Captain Kiddie
- Captain Montecero
- Cardinal Richelieu
- Casbah Rabbit
- Cash Money Crew
- Workshop's Cat
- Catwoman
- Cave Guy
- Cecil Turtle
- Central Park Rangers
- Chad Dickson
- Charlotte DiLaurentis
- Chelsea
- Cheswick
- Chicken Monster
- Chuck
- Clayface
- Clyde Northcutt
- Condiment King
- Constantine
- Cosmo Spacely
- Counselor Dish
- Count Grisham
- Count Spankulot
- Cragger
- Crazy Robot
- Cree Lincoln
- The Crow
- Cruncher Block
- The Crusher
- Cujo
- Cypher
- Daisy Mayhem
- Dark Kat
- Darkseid
- Darla Dimple
- Dastardly Dalton
- Dick Dastardly
- Deadshot
- Death Eaters
- Deathstroke
- Delbert Grady
- Delightful Children From Down the Lane
- Delightful Reaper
- Dementor
- Demoness
- Destructive Solar
- Destructo Man
- Devil Dog
- Devil’s Snare
- Diana
- Dick Hardly
- Dimitri the Terrible
- Dinky Dalton
- Dirty Dalton
- Dirty Digg
- The Dog
- Dolores Umbridge
- Dooks of Doom
- Doomsday
- Dorian Tyrell
- Doubles
- Dr. Applecheek
- Dr. Evil
- Dr. Greed
- Dr. Kamikazi
- Dr. Loveless