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Warner Bros. Entertainment Wiki

Boogies is a 2004 entry for Cartoon Monsoon created by Mike L. Mayfield and Ben Ceccarelli.


At the Nightstand, Captain Wiltz starts Operation Sandblast because the Sandman has been disrupting children’s sleep. He brought Neebish, Tweeter and Pokeynose to his office. He let them stay at the Nightstand to shave the dog. Meanwhile, the Sandman hired the Tinkle Bug at the Sanditarium to make kids wake up from their sleep. The Boogie Alarm went off and Neebish decides to answer the alarm himself. He and his friends went to a kid’s bedroom. Tweeter and Pokeynose met the Tinkle Bug. As Neebish was sleeping, the Tinkle Bug went inside his head. Sandman was unhappy that the Tinkle Bug is stuck in Neebish’s head and plans to make a sleep bomb. Neebish decides to shake his head to let the Tinkle Bug out of him. Sandman tried to set up the sleep bomb but slipped on the banana pillow and went out the window, causing the sleep bomb to explode on him. Pokeynose gives the Tinkle Bug a diaper from his undersack to help the bug. The Tinkle Bug decides to go to Sandman’s head.

Voice Cast[]


  • A rare 2005 series Bible revealed episodes that would have happened if it became a Kids WB series. It also revealed aspects of the characters’ personalities and backstories as well as concept art.
    • “Good Hop, Bad Hop”, “Armed and Dangerous”, “Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Karaoke Machine”, “Dustin’ for Bunnies”, “Gettin’ Up”, “Boogies’ Bogey”, “Serial Nose-Bleed”, “Imaginary Enemies” and “Members Only” are the names of the episodes that have detailed premises.