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Booger Monster chasing the Main Cast in a tight Hallway

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The Booger Monster fully Grown

The Booger Monster was created by Nose Noseworthy from a booger that he accidentally put into his Dad's machine. The Booger Monster must eat to survive, which is why he attacks Nose and company. The Booger Monster was created by accident when he wished for His dad inventions to work and his adventure was a Cell Stabilizer Bringing it to Life. The Booger Monster is defeated by shrinking it down and putting it into a glass Tube. The Booger monster at the end of the movie during the credits is still tiny but was taken away by the aliens Toby Turner wished up. It turns out that the real Booger Monster was actually on Hawaii, in a small town called "Friends We Made Along The Way."

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Toby trying to rescue the Rock from the Monsters Stomach


6th Stage (Final Stage) In this Finale Stage the Booger Monster gains his height and intelligence


5th Stage (Gains strength to escape its environment) (The Booger Monster Breaks open the case so it has much more room to expand and grow bigger)


4th Stage (Starts to grow Necessary Body Parts such as an eye) (This is also when the Booger can now be classified as a Booger Monster because it gains its monster feautures because up until now all it was was a Giant Booger)


3rd Stage (Starts to take Shape)


2 1/2 Stage (This stage is counted as half because all the Booger Does is grow in size)


Second Stage (Booger starts to Mutate and grow)


First Stage (Pure Booger)



  • It seems that the booger monster grows in stages it starts off as a normal booger than it grows into a booger blob then it grows into the final booger shown above
  • It seems at which the booger Monster is an scavenger searching for anything it can eat
  • The booger Monster seems sentient enough to recognize other boogers and take care of them or "love them"
  • During the Development of the movie the Booger Monster went through a change of design his original one planned for Long arms,Pink Eye, hair, and teeth and foul breath
  • The Booger Monster has a 10 foot vertical leap.
  • It is known to be able to beat Michael Jordan in a 1 on 1 game of basketball.
  • It can smell fear.

    The Booger Monster shrunk down in a glass tube

  • The Booger Monster was created in Mudbox

    The Booger Monster Caring for another Booger in its hands

  • When the Movie waspremeirng they made a real life Scale

Booger Monster out of materiels

  • The Booger monster has one eye
  • By the end of the Movie during the credits the Booger Monster is taken away by the Aliens Toby wished up
  • Besides the Booger Monsters squishy appearance and slimy appearance he is able to break thick glass and to hold a Child with one hand
  • The Booger monster is the only Wish not shown at the end of the movie when fighting
  • The Creator of the Movie really wanted to show the Booger Monster in other Movies of his such as Spy Kids but he did not have the technology and funding to do so
  • The Booger Monster is just big enough to fit through Hallways and through doors
  • When the Booger Monster is being created in the Machine it has a plasticity appearance but not so when he is fully grown
  • During the same year of 2009 another Booger Monster in a movie (Bed Time Stories) Shows up but is not the same one as in shorts but shows much of a bug appearance and responds in Snouts and Grunts when the Booger Monster in Shorts roars
  • Everytime the Giant Booger Monster touches something (Or someone) it makes a squishing noise to simulate that you or the character is being touched by a giant smiley booger
  • The total number of doors the Booger Monster Broke in this movie is 3
  • The people who were designing and doing the scenes with the Giant booger Monster put in some extreme Detail because when the Booger Monster touches something its left with a slimy coating, an example of this is when Dr.Noseworthy puts down the glass barrier to protect himself and the children from the Booger Monster touches it and its left with some boogers on the glass
  • The Booger Monster is the second thing to eat the rock and Toby Thompson is the second kids to go into the monster (Hand) to retrieve the rock
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  • When they were designing the Booger Monster they put in some detail when the Booger Monster burst through the first door he accidentally flung boogers at the screen which simulated the Booger Monster was actually in front of you
  • The Booger Monster is Gender less and that is why the characters refer to it as "It" instead of 
  • He/she but you can interrupt it as anything you want.
  • The Booger Monster seems to only feed off of other Humans but that may not be exactly true because when the Mini Aliens were saving the Booger Monster from the Glass Jar it was not trying to each them but this also may be proven false because they were about the same size as the Booger Monster was or the Booger Monster was so Grateful for them saving him he didn't want to eat them.
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    The Booger Growing into a Monster


    The Booger Monster Breaking and Escaping the House

  • The Booger Monster only seemed to go after the the Children evidence to support this is that the Booger Monster when Dr.Noseworthy jumped over it and behind him the booger monster, the booger monster did not Chase him but maybe Dr.Noseworthy was too big to eat and or that there were more children in one to spot so he could have had a better meal
  • The Booger Monster has taste Buds since he has a tounge
  • It does not make any sense why the Children would be scared of being eaten by the Booger Monster. The Booger Monster has no stomach acid to digest you and still would not have a digestive track because it would fall apart. Also if you got eaten by the Booger Monster you could just crawl right out because Toby could just stick your hand through the Booger Monster so it shows that the Booger Monster is not solid. If the Booger Monster did have a way to convert your eaten body into energy and susitants it would take hours to do. The

    The Booger transforming to move around

    Booger monster still would not be able to kill you because of it not being to crush you because you would go straght in and if he did eat you he does not have any teeth to bite you because hes big enough to swallow most things (And Humans) whole
  • The Booger Monster seems to be able to contort his body into shapes and sizes.
  • The booger Monster can fall many heights with out being harmed or Hurt
  • If the Booger Monster does not eat it will not stay alive or (Intact)
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    The Title Card for "The Big bad Booger" shows Nose and his Father with the Booger Monster in the background
  • The booger Monster only goes outside once
  • They wanted to make the booger monster look disgusting with mucus and boils all over its body and that why there was a jiggly affect when the Booger Monster Moves. But they claimed they did not want to make it too disgusting
  • The Booger monster eye is infected with Pink eye
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    Toby trying to escape the Booger Monster from Digesting Him and Eating Him or Flattening Him

    The actor for Toby said if he ever had the Wishing Rock in real life he would want to wish up his own Booger Monster and hang out with it Playing Video Games
  • When the Booger Monster breaks down the first down he spreads the whole screen with gooey Boogers
  • The Booger Monster has enough Strength to destroy a Bolten glass and iron Door
  • The Booger Monster has one Fully grown Arm on his Left and on his Right a has a Booger Stump for a arm
  • It looks as though the Booger Monster has Gums but has no teeth because maybe the Teeth Rotted Away
  • When the Booger Monster is licking the Window you can see Breath marks on the window signifying that the Booger Monster breaths oxygen with signify he has Lungs
  • Everyone refers to the Booger Monster as Noses Booger because it came from Nose such as "Ugh your Boogers Warm" and "Now your Booger is trying to eat you"
  • When Toby says "Ugh your Boogers Warm" this can mean two things either that Now since the Booger Monster is a living creature it must have a Body system keeping it warm such as Heart Beat or it could mean since the Booger Monster is "New Born" and just came out of Noses Nose that it still has the Body temperature as Nose
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  • If the Booger Monster was not warm, the Booger Monster would turn Crusty instead of the Goo that it is now
  • If the Booger Monster does not feed it can not sustain itself
  • When Dr.Noseworthy Looks at the Booger Monster it does not have any germs on it
  • Dr.NoseWorthy Theory of coming in contact with Germs and exploding does not make sense with the Booger Monster because he explains that a small amount of germs wont effect them but the Booger Monster is just one Ginat Germ so if his theory was true He sure have exploded when the Booger Monster was on the other side of the Glass
  • The Booger Monster Seems to have different ways to attack its pray, The First one we see is when the Booger Monster Bursts throught Door and Punces on the Magic Wishing Rock, we can show that this is pouncing because when he does he jumps up then he gets down on the floor. The Second way he attacks his Pray is by Lifting the Pray up into the air and slowly lowering it into his mouth.

    The Booger Monsters Greenish black stomach while stationary

  • The Booger Monster is so strong that it could just tap a door that it starts to shatter
  • The Booger Monster despite from starting off purely as a green Booger is a Mixture of Green Black and White Colors
  • The Booger Monster may be sticky as well as Gooey because when he Holds Toby he seems like he is stuck there
  • The Booger Monsters irish like the rest of his Body is Green
  • Boogers are 70% made out of water so that explains why the Booger Monster is all slimy
  • When the Booger Monster moves his Bottom stomach area is jiggly

    The Booger Monsters white stomach while moving around

  • The Booger Monster seems to have 2 designs, they seem to depend on where his location is and Motion his 2 designs are a flat bottom stomach and is a Green and Black his second design is a bulging white stomach
  • These designs depend on where he is like when he is stationary his stomach is the Flat and Green and Black, this design of the Booger Monster shows up when He is staying still on the other side of the Glass and When Toby sticks his Hand into the Booger Monster
  • The other design shows up when the Booger Monster is moving around you usally see this design when the Booger Monster is chasing the Cast such as when he is going down the Hallway and when the Booger monster is chasing Toby and friends outside
  • When the Booger Monster is growing it makes elastic sounds
  • When the Booger Monster is growing it seems to have blue Light coming off of it


  • When the Booger Monster throws down Toby, Toby did not fall with correct speed because the Booger Monster is so strong he should have thrown him down with enough force to atleast break some Bones or hurt him
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  • When the Booger Monster was holding Toby Thompson, Toby was spinning even though the Booger Monsters arms were not twisting or Moving
  • When the Booger Monster was Holding Toby, Toby should not have been in the position he had been
  • When the Booger Monster gets scared that Nose is going to eat his Booger Friend he makes sort of a burping sound instead of his regular Roars
  • The Booger Monsters strength makes no sense because he is a giant blob of Boogers and he has no Bones so he did not have enough strength to break the Glass Barrier unless he used his weight but he did not and it

proves that he has no bones because Toby could just stick his hand into the Booger Monsters stomach

  • The Booger Monsters size changes through out the scenes to be able to look different and more menacing in different locations
  • It does not make sense how the Booger Monster is able to control its mass because it does not have any muscle to move and it does not have any bone too also move
  • The Booger Monster does not make sense how it came to life because the Cell Regulator should of regulated cells and not have turned it into a monster or a Being that could think
  • The Booger Monster has no reason to eat or Hunt and does not have any reason to go after just one species to eat because it could eat other things such as objects and other living things
  • The Booger Monster would not have eyes because it did not have anything in Eye related when it was coming to life.
  • Dr.Noseworthy should have not known what the Booger Monster was trying to do and should have been questioning why it was alive because Nose did not inform him about his Inventions working.
  • When the Booger Monster was going through to the door outside he should have been destroyed because the door would have taken all the germs off the the Booger Monster which is impossible because the Booger Monster is just one big germ
  • An error throughout the Booger Monsters Run time is that the Booger keeps changing sizes because when the

Booger Monster was first in the Hallway it as atleast 2X the size of Nose but then in the outside sequence it was just about as big as Nose was but you could argue that since its a giant blob it changes shape randomly

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    The Booger Monsters Body has light reflecting off of it but in actually it would not be happening because the Booger is not supposed to be slimy because if it was it would be falling apart not being able to hold itself up
  • When the Booger Monster is putting its hands against the glass it shows it as a lime green and completely flat
  • The Booger Monster stomach area changes color through out the Movie first its seen in the Hallway it has its normal Puke Green/black/white color but when the Booger Monster is chasing them through the hallway it has a white stomach but it returns to normal when Toby has his stomach in the Booger Monsters stomach but when the Booger Monster escapes the House its back to a Dirty White Stomach
  • When the Booger Monster touches something its coated with a light stain of slimy Boogers but this is not the case when the Booger Monster Touches Toby and when the Booger Monster Moves around because there is no Coating of boogers where the booger monster Goes
  • When the Booger Monster is sucked up the rock does not fall from the Booger Booger Monster but just appears on the ground
  • When the Booger Monster breaks the Glass and goes onto the floor the Glass on the floor dissipears
  • When the booger Monster is licking the Window and then it goes to the scene of him breaking the glass you can still hear is tongue licking the window
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    When the Booger Monster touches the Glass it Leaves behind a Boogery Print of where his hand was, When he Breaks out of the Room for the First time he launches Boogers onto the Camera but when he moves around and when he licks the Winder there are no Booger Prints left behind
  • When the Booger Monster Caught and held Noses Booger Tightly the Booger should have been embedded into the Booger Monsters Hand
  • When all they characters are running out of the house to escape the Booger Monster they never close a door behind them but when the Booger Monster gets to the Outside he is seen breaking open and chopping a wooden Door in half
  • When the Booger Monster Picks up Toby he is holding Toby his his stump arm and Toby is not attached to anything so it just looks like he is floating there
  • When the Booger Monster throws Toby down with such Tremendous Force Toby should have been because the Pain would have Been Intolerable with Him hitting his Broken arms against the floor
  • When Nose is running away from the Booger Monster it shows him almost outside but in the Next Scene it shows him at the Glass Door
  • When the Booger Monster is switch Hands to Hold Toby in his Left Hand he is showing letting go of his right hand to put him into his left then it changes scene and then shows the same scene of putting Toby down in the Booger Monsters left hand
  • When the Booger Monster is Picking Toby off the Ground in the Close up it shows Tobys hand inside the Booger Monster and in the next scene it isnt
  • When Dr.Noseworthy jumps over the Booger monster, the Booger Monster is colored wrong
  • The Booger Monster should have stopped evolving or developing when it fell out of the machine and should have stayed in its fourth form as just as a pile of boogers with an eye unless the Machine was strong enough to cast wakes off in the room but that would not make sense since Nose didnt evolve with the Booger Monster



  • The Booger Monster was created in the fiery pits of Tartarus, forged from the souls of those hellish enough to have a foot fetish.
  • In the Film the Booger Monster was created by a Booger in Dr.noseworthys Machine, which was made using chicken bones and broken dreams.
  • The Booger Monster use to have Very Long arms but did not make it to the final scenes, because they replaced its Very Long Arms™ with its 10 foot vertical leap.
  • The Booger Monster use to have rotting teeth but was removed because it looked "To Dangerous"; instead, they gave it a gun, and let it say "Fuck."
  • The Booger Monster was supposed to have Puss and Blisters and pimple like spots on his back but that would have looked to disgusting
  • The Booger Monster was supposed to have Hair but was removed
  • The Booger monster was supposed to have Fungi infested fingernails but was never made the final cut for being too disgusting
  • The Booger Monster was originally designed to have Moist but slimy skin instead of being made out of entirly boogers and they did this because they thought it was too disgusting and they could not have found a way to bring the monster to life and make it "Believable"
  • There plans for a heavily detailed Booger Tongue to be added but it was over all removed for being disgusting but the Booger Monster still has a flat tongue