Ben 10 is an American animated television franchise created by Man of Action and produced by Cartoon Network Studios. It centers a boy named Ben Tennyson, who finds an alien watch called the Omnitrix during his summer vacation. The original Ben 10 series would later be followed by three sequels, and a reboot series. A sixth series is currently in production. It has multiple movies, video games, books, and toys.
There are a number of video games released after the Ben 10 series. Most of the games are available on the popular gaming platforms like Nintendo, Xbox and even PC too. Here is the list of Ben 10 video games.
The Secret Saturdays - In the episodes "Van Rook's Apprentice" and "Cryptid vs. Cryptid", the villains from Ben 10; Hex, Animo, and Enoch make a brief cameo appearance in their criminal database.
Generator Rex - In 2011, Ben 10: Ultimate Alien had a crossover with Generator Rex. It aired as an episode of Generator Rex. Both properties are created by Man of Action.
The Ben 10 and Generator Rex franchises have interacted with each other on multiple other occasions. There was a comic titled "Heroes Time Two", sequel to Heroes United.
The 2016 Ben 10 series crossed over with Generator Rex in an episode titled "Ben Gen 10".
OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes - In 2018, there was a crossover episode titled "Crossover Nexus". Ben from the 2016 series was featured as a main character in the episode.
Secondary characters:Driba | Cooper Daniels | Amalgam Kids | Lucy Mann | Julie Yamamoto | Kai Green | Wes Green | Azmuth | Ship | Professor Paradox | Jimmy Jones | Aggregor's Prisoners | Saint George Other characters:Kenneth Tennyson | Frank Tennyson | Natalie Tennyson | Verdona | Carl Tennyson | Sandra Tennyson | Blarney T. Hokestar | Devlin Levin | Ken Tennyson | Ester | Galvan | Ignacius Baumann | Magister Patelliday | Blukic | Molly Gunther | Jerry | Lillimusha DiForestini