A Hick a Slick and a Chick is a 1948 Merrie Melodies cartoon, in which a mouse named Elmo, who's a bit of a yokel, goes to beautiful Daisy Lou to woo her. However, he finds her with the slick Blackie.
Elmo (the Hick) gets all slicked up and arrives at his girl's house in the city by hubcap. He catches Blackie (the Slick) kissing Daisy Lou (the Chick), and he starts a competition with Blackie for Daisy's affection.
Elmo brings in a handful of flowers; Blackie brings in a florist's shop full. Elmo plays the jaw harp; Blackie plays a piano concerto. Blackie then punches Elmo across the street. Blackie brings Daisy a mink coat, but Elmo says he'll bring back ermine. Elmo accidentally gets drunk, and spots a cat called Herman.
They fight, and Elmo knocks him out. Elmo presents Daisy with an ermine coat, and Blackie wonders where he got ermine. The cat says, "Don't get nosy, Junior!" in a Jimmy Durante voice, and turns to show the coat-shaped cutout on his rear end. The cartoon irises out in a coat shape.
Lobby Cards[]
Herman bears a close resemblance to Sylvester the Cat, albeit with red fur in place of Sylvester's black fur, and a black nose in place of Sylvester's red nose. Also, Herman has a different voice.